This project is a plugin for SublimeText 2 text editor. It checks all python files you opening and editing through two popular Python checkers - pep8 and PyFlakes.
Go to your Packages dir (Sublime Text 2 -> Preferences -> Browse Packages). Clone this repository into Packages subdirectory:
git clone git://
Go to sublimetext_python_checker/ and create file with list of your preferred checkers:
CHECKERS = [('/Users/vorushin/.virtualenvs/checkers/bin/pep8', []), ('/Users/vorushin/.virtualenvs/checkers/bin/pyflakes', [])]
First parameter is path to command, second - optional list of arguments. If you want to disable line length checking in pep8, set second parameter to ['--ignore=E501'].
You can also set syntax checkers using sublimetext settings (per file, global, per project, ...):
"settings": { "python_syntax_checkers": [ ["/usr/bin/pep8", ["--ignore=E501,E128,E221"] ] ] }
Both "CHECKERS local_settings" and sublime text settings will be used, but sublime text settings are prefered. (using syntax checker binary name)
Restart SublimeText 2 and open some *.py file to see check results. You can see additional information in python console of your editor (go View -> Show Console).
Before creating this project I used sublimelint, which is multilanguage checker/linter. I described pros and cons of both below.
- can't use your Python version or your virtualenv
- don't check with pep8
- do checks on every edit
- do checks for Python (derivative of pyflakes), PHP, Perl, Ruby
- works on Windows/Linux/MacOSX
- can use your version of Python and your virtualenv
- do checks only on opening and saving files
- works only on Linux and Mac OS X
- checks only Python files
- checks with pep8 and pyflakes
- all this in a few screens of code