GoAhead is a simple service that redirects routes (in development)
golang >= 1.1
Copy the etc/goahead.ini.sample to etc/goahead.ini, edit it to use your database and persons informations.
Get dependencies with go get
at the goahead folder.
Compile gohead with go build
Use our scaffold command running goahead -build
At first enable fastcgi for true in goahead.ini. So, write the rule at /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/redir-go.dev.conf:
server {
listen 80;
server_name redir-go.dev ;
index index.html ;
location ~ / {
include /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params;
Run it with goahead -run
goahead -help
Claudson Oliveira - github.com/cloudson
Vinicius Oliveira - github.com/viniciuswebdev