A DBMS project that aims to automate the whole tedious task of conducting exams. A web application created using React js, Bootstrap js, HTML, CSS and Firebase to automate the process of Exam Scheduling and Management.😎
The Examination Department must collect all student examination registration details, Faculty and Classroom details branch wise and year wise. These details include Student name, roll no., branch, year, list of subjects registered for the exam, Exam ID, Exam Type, Exam Date, Exam Time, Classroom number, Classroom capacity, block, session, FID, Faculty Dept. The examination Scheduling Management System atomizes the process of assigning seating arrangement. The dates and courses for examination are provided by the admin to the system, the system accesses the college database for student and classroom information and creates an exam schedule on the given dates. EXAM SCHEDULING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM WEB APP (ESMS) also maintains whether a teacher is present on the examination day and dynamically allocate exam duties to them.
user name : [email protected]
password : admin123
user name : [email protected]
password : abc123
user name : [email protected]
password : 123456
- Allocating exam hall and timeslots.
- Allocating faculties for invigilation.
- Adding and removing students from database.
- Adding and removing faculties from database.
- Adding and removing courses from database.
This system includes the following modules: -
- Interface for students to view their exams.
- Interface for faculties to confirm availability for invigilation.
- Interface for admin to add and remove student faculty and courses to database.
- Interface for admin to create examination.
This system automates the process of exam scheduling and seat allotment processes. It provides details and venue for the exams to the students and faculties.
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To clone the repository on your computer
$ git clone https://github.com/kapilbarad/reactjs-login-form.git
$ cd reactjs-login-form.git
To install dependencies,
$ npm install
To run the project itself,
$ npm start