Quickly add license text to all files in your project
This application will insert license text into each of your project files, if it does not already have it. It was written because the alternative, manual way of accomplishing this is just way too difficult.
Clone the repository:
git clone git://github.com/veonik/quick-license.git
Quick License uses Composer for dependency management. If you don't have composer, go ahead and:
curl -s https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
Then install the necessary dependencies:
php composer.phar install
Quick License inserts the specified license text into your project files:
quick-license --license-file=/path/to/license path
The path may be either a single file or a directory. The license file will usually be the LICENSE file in your project's root folder.
Optionally, you can specify which types of files you want to be processed:
quick-license --extensions=["php","js"] --license-file=/path/to/license path
Supported file extensions: