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@veeableful veeableful released this 08 May 09:06
· 281 commits to master since this release


What's New

Complete documentation of the package source code

Every structures, constants, functions, etc.. now has their own comments for documentation purposes, and they all follow Go's documentation guidelines. You can also visit the original SDL2 function page by following the link that appears on the comment. Many many thanks to @malashin for taking on such a monstrous work!

More idiomatic function names

Previously all the functions defined in go-sdl2 follow the native SDL2 such as having underscores, having Get prefix for getters, and even capitalizations such as TouchId in MultiGestureEvent (which has since become TouchID. Now, plenty of functions have started to follow the Go idiomatic naming conventions and more should follow along the road to the next version! You can see the full list of renamed names in Thanks again @malashin!

Examples and its assets now reside in different repository

Examples and assets have been moved to separate repository to reduce base size of the main go-sdl2 repository. You can visit previous examples at

Standalone programs for multiple platforms

It is now possible to build standalone, dependency-free executables by fetching the package using the command go get -v -tags static Thank you very much @gen2brain for the awesome feature!

JoyDeviceEvent is now split into JoyDeviceAddedEvent and JoyDeviceRemovedEvent

Previously JoyDeviceEvent has Which field of JoystickID type which is wrong when a device is added. Therefore to match the behavior of native SDL2, we split the JoyDeviceEvent into JoyDeviceAddedEvent which uses int for its Which field, and JoyDeviceRemovedEvent which uses JoystickID for its Which field. This is also thanks to @malashin!

Event now has GetType() and GetTimestamp() methods

Previously, to get an Event's type and timestamp, you'd have to type-assert it into one of the specialized types such as WindowEvent or MouseButtonEvent and get them from the public fields Type and Timestamp. Now, you only need to use the common GetType() and GetTimestamp() methods from the base Event interface thanks to @malashin!



  • SetError()
  • CreateRGBSurfaceWithFormat()
  • CreateRGBSurfaceWithFormatFrom()
  • GetDisplayUsableBounds()
  • GetDisplayDPI()
  • SetWindowOpacity()
  • GetWindowOpacity()




  • AudioDeviceEvent



  • LoadWAV()
  • LoadWAVRW()
  • Renderer.GetViewport()
  • Renderer.GetClipRect()
  • GameControllerMapping() into GameController.Mapping()
  • HapticOpen()
  • HapticOpenFromMouse()


7e50e6a sdl/events: Fix DropEvent stubs #294
4bf5ad0 sdl/events: Fix DropEvent memory leak #274
3e3b649 sdl/events: fix stub function for SDL_AudioDeviceEvent
d4575d0 sdl/events: fix stub function for SDL_AudioDeviceEvent
b50c282 sdl/haptic: Fix HapticOpened() returning error on success
4156c30 sdl/surface: Fix stub functions
1efc02d sdl/video: Fix ShowMessageBox()
3420e58 sdl/video: Fix error handling
881e1de sdl/video: Fix stub #304

There is still plenty more of miscellaneous updates that you can check from the curated change log below!

Other changes

9b73d5a sdl/haptic: Rename iHapticEffect interface to HapticEffect
0ff46e4 sdl/video: Make GL funcs into Window methods #325 (#326)
8e7373e sdl: Replace ints with booleans (#324)
1cae00e sdl/video: Make several functions return values instead of modifying user-provided values through pointers
e5fd0c8 sdl: fix misspellings
99737f8 sdl/haptic: Change HapticEffect to interface instead of union (#316)
2b0e4a2 sdl/haptic: Export Dir from HapticDirection{} #315
930022a sdl/gamecontroller,joystick: Add new bindings for SDL 2.0.6 and 2.0.4 (#313)
8759fe0 sdl/surface_test.go: Fix image path
2ac4c06 sdl/video: Remove unused cMessageBoxData struct
d715a56 sdl: Remove yuv_sw_c.go
4223939 sdl/haptic: Update error handling
566b724 sdl/video,render: Update error handling; Add SetError() and INIT_EVENTS
3d9462c sdl/render,video: Fix imports
d577b44 sdl/render,video: Update imports
c231b93 sdl/filesystem_test.go: Run TestGetBasePath only on SDL >= 2.0.1
87aaee2 sdl/cpuinfo_test.go: Run TestGetSystemRAM only on SDL >= 2.0.1
d3d0a1f sdl/events: add stub function for SDL_AudioDeviceEvent
27e36e0 sdl/events: add stub function for SDL_RENDER_DEVICE_RESET
ddb9ec5 sdl/haptic: Make methods return bool and/or error instead of int
8c754f4 sdl/sdl: Add errorFromInt() helper function
b565ce2 sdl/events: Merge KeyUpEvent and KeyDownEvent to KeyboardEvent
4e7bc65 sdl/mouse: Add fallback definitions for SDL_MOUSEWHEEL_NORMAL and SDL_MOUSEWHEEL_FLIPPED
f2dd51e sdl/sdl_wrapper.h: Remove SDL_WINDOW_ALLOW_HIGHDPI definition
07a75b0 sdl/video: Add missing Window flags starting from SDL 2.0.4
6a5f9c4 sdl/mutex: Change Mutex, Sem, Cond to have methods instead of functions
9f2787c sdl/hints_test.go: Fix TestDelHintCallback to use different value for checking from TestAddHintCallback
4ebcc92 sdl: Change types of coordinate and size variables and parameters from int to int32
e798fe3 sdl/events: Fix tests #274
6cfd4a1 sdl/error: Fix documentation #265
bb8985e sdl/render: Fix typo in documentation
fc1c183 sdl/render: Add warning message to SDL_UpdateYUVTexture() if used on older SDL2 versions
ae9169a gfx: Change types of coordinate and size variables and parameters from int to int32
2da6abc img: Fix tests #265
e22dc78 ttf/sdl_ttf_test.go: Fix font path
d487864 examples/audio_wav_memory: audio_wav_memory.go: Update API
82901b8 examples/text: text.go: Update API
509637d examples/text: Revert sdl.RenderUTF8_Solid() to sdl.RenderUTF8Solid()
cad2c8a examples/text: Fixed text example
492f14c examples/opengl: Move gl init call
889be5f examples: Update examples to build with latest API
b77db23 README: update the example to work out-of-box on macOS (#319)
ff97cb1 Update Mac OS X to macOS
ad8f1e5 Fix markdown syntax error
c07017b Add a note about SDL_mixer 2.0.2 breaking MP3 playback
8289c73 Add cross-compiling guide for macOS to Windows
c231ca3 Add links to download libraries for other packages like SDL_image, SDL_mixer, etc..
4160874 Remove include flag for Linux-to-Windows cross-compiling as it's already defined
0da67c0 Add cross-compiling guide for Linux to Windows
50d371f Add installation note for those wishing to stay with latest stable version
a33701c Update installation command on Fedora
807befe Update installation command on Arch Linux
ce485b4 Update instructions for Ubuntu
2c2a89d Add installation instructions for Gentoo
906b4c7 Fix typo
48cbef8 Update video.go error handling, add SetError() and INIT_EVENTS
f0d6bcc Remove note about "go install" since it's already been done by the "go get" step
33dc0c4 Add for listing breaking changes between version tags
9887766 Update