├── config
│ ├── apache2.conf # Apache 2.4 config
│ └── php.ini # php.ini - adjust as necessary
├── docker-compose.yml # docker-compose file -- usage: docker-compose up -d
├── Dockerfile # Dockerfile (build-file) -- usage: docker build -t uwbfritz/wdsdev:latest .
├── README.md # This file
└── devenv # Development environment script wrapper
- Your database will persist
- Composer installed
- Drush installed
./devenv # Obtain a list of options
Usage: devenv [function] [param]
build - Build the docker image
load - Load the database from a sql file
dump - Dump the database to a sql file
clone - Clone the repo into the html directory
start - Start the development environment
stop - Stop the development environment
attach - Attach to the frontend container
attachto - Attach to an active container
destroy - Destroy the development environment
destroyall - Destroy all containers, images, volumes, networks, and your dev environment