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Revert move of getModuleName etc. from util::Reflective
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PaulKlint committed Dec 15, 2024
1 parent 6033bb6 commit b3b4e6a
Showing 1 changed file with 0 additions and 237 deletions.
237 changes: 0 additions & 237 deletions src/org/rascalmpl/core/library/lang/rascalcore/check/CheckerCommon.rsc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,247 +27,10 @@ import Set;
import String;
import ValueIO;
import util::Reflective;
import util::FileSystem;

import lang::rascalcore::compile::util::Names; // TODO: refactor, this is an undesired dependency on compile
import lang::rascalcore::compile::CompileTimeError;

str makeFileName(str qualifiedModuleName, str extension = "rsc") {
str qnameSlashes = replaceAll(qualifiedModuleName, "::", "/");
int n = findLast(qnameSlashes, "/");
str prefix = extension == "rsc" ? "" : "$";
str package = extension == "rsc" ? "" : "rascal/";
qnameSlashes = n < 0 ? "<prefix>" + qnameSlashes : qnameSlashes[0..n] + "/<prefix>" + qnameSlashes[n+1..];
return "<package><qnameSlashes><isEmpty(extension) ? "" : ".<extension>">";

loc getSearchPathLoc(str filePath, PathConfig pcfg){
for(loc dir <- pcfg.srcs + pcfg.libs){
fileLoc = dir + filePath;
//println("getModuleLocation <qualifiedModuleName> =\> <fileLoc>");
return fileLoc;
throw "Module with path <filePath> not found";

@synopsis{Get the location of a named module, search for `src` in srcs and `tpl` in libs}
loc getModuleLocation(str qualifiedModuleName, PathConfig pcfg){
fileName = makeFileName(qualifiedModuleName, extension="rsc");
for(loc dir <- pcfg.srcs){
fileLoc = dir + fileName;
return fileLoc;
fileName = makeFileName(qualifiedModuleName, extension="tpl");
for(loc dir <- pcfg.libs){
fileLoc = dir + fileName;

return fileLoc;
throw "Module `<qualifiedModuleName>` not found;\n<pcfg>";

tuple[str,str] splitFileExtension(str path){
int n = findLast(path, ".");
if(n < 0) return <path, "">;
return <path[0 .. n], path[n+1 .. ]>;

@synopsis{Determine length of common suffix of list of strings}
int commonSuffix(list[str] dir, list[str] m)
= commonPrefix(reverse(dir), reverse(m));

@synopsis{Determine length of common prefix of list of strings}
int commonPrefix(list[str] rdir, list[str] rm){
for(int i <- index(rm)){
if(i >= size(rdir)){
return i;
} else if(rdir[i] != rm[i]){
return i;
} else {
return size(rm);

@synopsis{Find the module name corresponding to a given module location via its (src or tpl) location}
str getModuleName(loc moduleLoc, PathConfig pcfg){
modulePath = moduleLoc.path;

rscFile = endsWith(modulePath, "rsc");
tplFile = endsWith(modulePath, "tpl");

if(!( rscFile || tplFile )){
throw "Not a Rascal .src or .tpl file: <moduleLoc>";

// Find matching .rsc file in source directories
for(loc dir <- pcfg.srcs){
if(moduleLoc.authority == dir.authority && startsWith(modulePath, dir.path)) {
moduleName = replaceFirst(modulePath, dir.path, "");
<moduleName, ext> = splitFileExtension(moduleName);
if(moduleName[0] == "/"){
moduleName = moduleName[1..];
moduleName = replaceAll(moduleName, "/", "::");
return moduleName;

// Find longest matching .tpl file in library directories

<modulePathNoExt, ext> = splitFileExtension(modulePath);
while(modulePathNoExt[0] == "/"){
modulePathNoExt = modulePathNoExt[1..];

modulePathAsList = split("/", modulePathNoExt);
lastName = modulePathAsList[-1];
if(lastName[0] == "$"){
modulePathAsList = [*modulePathAsList[..-1],lastName[1..]];
if(modulePathAsList[0] == "rascal"){
modulePathAsList = modulePathAsList[1..];
modulePathReversed = reverse(modulePathAsList);

int longestSuffix = 0;
for(loc dir <- pcfg.libs){
dir = dir + "rascal";
dpath = dir.path;

while(dpath[0] == "/"){
dpath = dpath[1..];

for(loc file <- find(dir, "tpl")){
candidate = replaceFirst(file.path, dpath, "");
<candidate, ext> = splitFileExtension(candidate);
while(candidate[0] == "/"){
candidate = candidate[1..];

candidateAsList = split("/", candidate);
lastName = candidateAsList[-1];
if(lastName[0] == "$"){
candidateAsList = [*candidateAsList[..-1],lastName[1..]];
// println("cand: <candidateAsList>, modpath: <modulePathAsList>");
n = commonPrefix(reverse(candidateAsList), modulePathReversed);

if(n > longestSuffix){
longestSuffix = n;

if(longestSuffix > 0){
lastName = modulePathAsList[-1];
if(lastName[0] == "$"){
modulePathAsList = [*modulePathAsList[..-1],lastName[1..]];
return intercalate("::", modulePathAsList[size(modulePathAsList) - longestSuffix .. ]);
throw "No module name found for <moduleLoc>;\nsrcs=<pcfg.srcs>;\nlibs=<pcfg.libs>";

@synopsis{Derive a location from a given module name for reading}
Given a module name, a file name extension, and a PathConfig,
a path name is constructed from the module name + extension.
If a file F with this path exists in one of the directories in the PathConfig,
then the pair <true, F> is returned. Otherwise <false, some error location> is returned.
For a source extension (typically "rsc" or "mu" but this can be configured) srcs is searched, otherwise binPath + libs.
import util::Reflective;
getDerivedReadLoc("List", "rsc", pathConfig());
getDerivedReadLoc("experiments::Compiler::Compile", "rvm", pathConfig());
getDerivedReadLoc("experiments::Compiler::muRascal2RVM::Library", "mu", pathConfig());
This function is useful for type checking and compilation tasks, when derived information related to source modules has to be read
from locations in different, configurable, directories.

tuple[bool, loc] getDerivedReadLoc(str qualifiedModuleName, str extension, PathConfig pcfg, set[str] srcExtensions = {"rsc", "mu"}, str rootDir = ""){
fileName = makeFileName(qualifiedModuleName, extension=extension);
//println("getDerivedReadLoc: <fileName>");

if(extension in srcExtensions){
for(loc dir <- pcfg.srcs){ // In a source directory?
fileLoc = dir + rootDir + fileName;
//println("getDerivedReadLoc: <qualifiedModuleName>, <extension> =\> <fileLoc");
return <true, fileLoc>;
} else {
for(loc dir <- pcfg.bin + pcfg.libs){ // In a bin or lib directory?

fileLoc = dir + rootDir + fileName;
//println("getDerivedReadLoc: <qualifiedModuleName>, <extension> =\> <fileLoc>");
return <true, fileLoc>;
//println("getDerivedReadLoc: <qualifiedModuleName>, <extension> =\> |error:///|");
return <false, |error:///|>;

@synopsis{Derive a location from a given module name for writing}
Given a module name, a file name extension, and a PathConfig,
a path name is constructed from the module name + extension.
For source modules, a writable location cannot be derived.
For other modules, a location for this path in bin will be returned.
import util::Reflective;
getDerivedWriteLoc("List", "rvm", pathConfig());
getDerivedWriteLoc("experiments::Compiler::Compile", "rvm", pathConfig());
getDerivedWriteLoc("experiments::Compiler::muRascal2RVM::Library", "rsc", pathConfig());
This function is useful for type checking and compilation tasks, when derived information related to source modules has to be written
to locations in separate, configurable, directories.
loc getDerivedWriteLoc(str qualifiedModuleName, str extension, PathConfig pcfg, set[str] srcExtensions = {"rsc", "mu"}, str rootDir = ""){
if(extension in srcExtensions){
throw "Cannot derive writable location for module <qualifiedModuleName> with extension <extension>";
fileNameSrc = makeFileName(qualifiedModuleName);
fileNameBin = makeFileName(qualifiedModuleName, extension=extension);

bin = pcfg.bin;
fileLocBin = bin + rootDir + fileNameBin;
//println("getDerivedWriteLoc: <qualifiedModuleName>, <extension> =\> <fileLocBin>");
return fileLocBin;

void checkSupportedByParserGenerator(Tree t, Collector c){
c.require("implemented by parsergenerator", t, [t], void(Solver s){
tp = s.getType(t);
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