Unimined is a per-source-set minecraft plugin for gradle. To add the plugin to gradle, add the following to settings.gradle:
pluginManagement {
repositories {
maven {
url = uri("https://maven.wagyourtail.xyz/releases")
maven {
url = uri("https://maven.wagyourtail.xyz/snapshots")
mavenCentral() // highly recommended, but not required
gradlePluginPortal {
content {
// this is not required either, unless jcenter goes down again, then it might fix things
and the following to build.gradle:
plugins {
id 'xyz.wagyourtail.unimined' version '1.2.6'
this will not actually add minecraft to your project as it must be configured.
to add minecraft to the main sourceSet, add the following:
unimined.minecraft {
version project.minecraftVersion
// default value
side "combined"
mappings {
fabric {
loader project.fabricLoaderVersion
for more details about what's available within the unimined.minecraft block, see The Api Source or look below.
Mappings provide the ability to remap minecraft into names you can actually use at runtime. there are many mappings supported, see Mappings for more details.
Unimined supports many modloaders, see Modloaders for more details.
Unimined provides helper functions for adding common standard libraries, such as fabric-api.
dependencies {
modImplementation fabricApi.fabricModule("fabric-api-base", project.fabricApiVersion)
This is under fabricApi
, even for other libraries for legacy reasons, and because I haven't thought of a better name.
for a complete list of standard libraries supported, see FabricLikeApi
Unimined provides the ability to remap mods you depend on to the mappings you are using.
by default, unimined only implements modImplementation
, but the others are easily creatable by the user.
For Example:
configurations {
compileOnly.extendsFrom modCompileOnly
unimined.minecraft {
mods {
remap(configurations.modCompileOnly) {
// this is basically just a shortcut for `remap(configurations.modImplementation)`
modImplementation {
// you can do this is mods have the wrong access widener mapping, but it may break runs
dependencies {
modCompileOnly "mod.group:mod.artifact:mod.version"
unimined provides a default remapJar
task for each configuration, it may be useful to create an extra or custom remap task
unimined.minecraft {
defaultRemapJar = false // disable the default remapJar task
remap(myJarTask) {
prodNamespace("intermediary") // set the namespace to remap to
mixinRemap {
disableRefmap() // like fabric-loom 1.6
unimined provides a runServer and runClient task for each sourceSet by default.
you can configure/disable these as follows:
unimined.minecraft {
runs {
off = true // disable all run configurations
config("client") {
disabled = true // disable the runClient task
args += "--my-arg" // add an argument to the runClient task
for more details on what can be changed in the run configurations, see RunConfig
unimined provides a way to authenticate in your run configs. the recommended way is to use gradle properties/env vars.
This will open a web-browser to prompt for login when configuring and the token isn't cached.
Authentication is backed by the MinecraftAuth library.
Auth is also accessible under runs.auth
for more information, see AuthConfig
or it's implementation AuthProvider
unimined can be configured seperately for each sourceSet, or in some more complicated cases. for more details with complicated setups/multiple sourceSets: see Multi-Sourceset/Project