this list may not always be up-to-date. for the most up-to-date list, see the api code.
- minecraftForge
- neoForged
- fabric
- flint
- quilt
- rift
- craftbukkit
- spigot
it also supports several pseudo modloaders through:
- jarmod
- accessTransformer
- accessWidener
Modloaders are used in their own block of the unimined.minecraft
block in your build.gradle
unimined.minecraft {
minecraftForge {
loader project.forgeVersion
for legacy reasons, the version number is always provided in a field named "loader".
you can provide an access transformer or access widener to be applied to the minecraft jar if the selected
unimined.minecraft {
fabric {
accessWidener "src/main/resources/modid.accesswidener"
you can create a custom modloader by implementing the MinecraftPatcher interface. For example, this is done by Prcraft