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Merge pull request #449 from StephenWampler/Demos
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A few simple programs demonstrating different features of the uni library
  • Loading branch information
Don-Ward authored May 3, 2024
2 parents e3c5f16 + e0d7f5c commit 8399ced
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343 changes: 343 additions & 0 deletions uni/gprogs/qmazer.icn
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
# <b>qmazer</b> -- create a maze and then find the shortest path through it.
# The maze creation was taken from a Unicon solution to a RosettaCode
# problem.
# (In this version, the maze creation only builds mazes with a single
# successful path but the path search is generalized to locate the shortest
# path in any maze with a single entry.)
# The default maze size is suitable for an HD display, for a 4K display
# try <tt>cols=185</tt> and <tt>rows=100</tt>.

global showMice, showPaths
global start, finish
global delayms
global fullPath, visited

import util
link printf

$define CELL 20 # cell size in pixels
$define BORDER 30 # border size in pixels

# Display a 2D maze, wait for a mouse click then solve the maze and wait for a
# second click to terminate program.
# Arguments (all are optional):
# help -- display a help message
# showpaths -- put a mark on each maze cell as it's seen
# showmice -- show the individual mice as they traverse the maze
# cols=COLS -- set the number of columns [default: 88]
# rows=ROWS -- set the number of rows [default: 48]
# delay=MS -- delay between mouse movements in milliseconds [default: 0]
procedure main(A)
if \Args().getOpt("help","yes") then helpMesg()
showPaths := Args().getOpt("showpaths","yes") # Show mice (dead or alive)
showMice := Args().getOpt("showmice","yes") # Show all live mice
mh := Args().getOpt("rows") | 48 # Maze height (rows)
mw := Args().getOpt("cols") | 88 # Maze width (columns)
delayms := Args().getOpt("delay") # Delay between mice creations
fullPath := [] # Points in best path

mz := DisplayMaze(GenerateMaze(mh,mw)) # Build and show maze

QMouse(mz.maze,findStart(mz.maze),&null,0) # Start first quantum mouse
waitForCompletion() # block until all quantum mice have finished

# Mark the best path into the maze and display it.
if showPath(mz.maze) then DisplayMazeSolution(mz)
else { # Give the person time to examine the failed maze search...
write("No path found for maze!")

procedure helpMesg()
write(&errout,"Usage: qMazer [--showmice] [--cols=C] [--rows=R]")
write(&errout,"\t\t--showmice # displays all mice as they search")
write(&errout,"\t\t--showpaths # displays all mice paths as they search")
write(&errout,"\t\t--cols=C # sets maze width to C (default 88) columns")
write(&errout,"\t\t--rows=R # sets maze height to R (default 48) rows")
write(&errout,"\t\t--delay=ms # delay ms millisecond (default none) between mice creations")

# A "Quantum-mouse" for traversing mazes. Each mouse lives for exactly one
# cell, but can spawn additional mice to examine adjacent cells as needed.

global qMice, bestMouse, bestMouseLock, region, qMiceEmpty
record Position(r,c)

# Must match values used in maze generation!
$define FINISH 64 # exit
$define START 32 # entrance
$define PATH 128
$define SEEN 16 # bread crumbs for generator
$define NORTH 8 # sides ...
$define EAST 4
$define SOUTH 2
$define WEST 1
$define EMPTY 0 # like new

class QMouse(maze, loc, parent, len, val)

method getLoc(); return loc; end

method getParent(); return \parent; end

method getLen(); return len; end

method atEnd(); return EMPTY ~= iand(val, FINISH); end

method goNorth()
if EMPTY ~= iand(val,NORTH) then return visit(loc.r-1, loc.c)

method goSouth()
if EMPTY ~= iand(val,SOUTH) then return visit(loc.r+1, loc.c)

method goEast()
if EMPTY ~= iand(val,EAST) then return visit(loc.r, loc.c+1)

method goWest()
if EMPTY ~= iand(val,WEST) then return visit(loc.r, loc.c-1)

method visit(r,c)
static cw := Clone("linewidth=2","fg=grey")
local p
# Only visit a cell if it makes sense to do so (not already seen and
# not on a path longer than the best known solution).
critical region[r,c]:
if EMPTY = iand(maze[r,c],SEEN) then {
if /bestMouse | (len <= bestMouse.getLen()) then { # Keep going
if \showPaths then {
mark(maze, r,c)
return Position(r,c)

initially (m, l, p, n)
initial { # Construct critical region mutexes and completion condvar
qMice := mutex(set())
qMiceEmpty := condvar()
bestMouseLock := mutex()
region := list(*m) # Minimize critical region size
every r := 1 to *m do region[r] := list(*m[1])
every !!region := mutex()
maze := m
loc := l
parent := p
len := n+1
val := maze[loc.r,loc.c] | fail # Fail if outside maze
insert(qMice, self)
thread {
if atEnd() then {
critical bestMouseLock:
if /bestMouse | (len < bestMouse.getLen()) then bestMouse := self
else { # Try to spawn more mice to look for finish
QMouse(maze, goNorth(), self, len)
QMouse(maze, goSouth(), self, len)
QMouse(maze, goEast(), self, len)
QMouse(maze, goWest(), self, len)

delete(qMice, self)
if /showPaths then markCell(loc.r,loc.c,"white",5)
if *qMice=0 then signal(qMiceEmpty)

procedure mark(maze, r,c, fg)
/fg := "grey"
maze[r,c] := ior(maze[r,c],SEEN)
if \(showMice|showPaths) then markCell(r,c,fg,5)
return Position(r,c)

procedure clearMaze(maze) # Clear out dregs from maze creation
every r := 1 to *maze & c := 1 to *maze[1] do # remove breadcrumbs
maze[r,c] := iand(maze[r,c],NORTH+EAST+SOUTH+WEST+START+FINISH)

procedure findStart(maze) # Anywhere in maze
clearMaze(maze) # Remove breadcrumbs
every r := 1 to *maze & c := 1 to *maze[1] do # Locate START cell
if EMPTY ~= iand(maze[r,c],START) then
return mark(maze, r,c, "red")

procedure showPath(maze)
if path := \bestMouse then { # Mark it in maze
repeat {
loc := path.getLoc()
# Remember the path so its cells can be connected by line segments
maze[loc.r,loc.c] +:= PATH
path := \path.getParent() | break

procedure waitForCompletion()
critical qMiceEmpty: while *qMice > 0 do wait(qMiceEmpty)

procedure GenerateMaze(r,c) # Non-recursive depth first maze generation
local maze,h,w,rd
/h := integer(1 < r) | runerr(r,205) # valid size 2x2 or better
/w := integer(1 < c) | runerr(r,205)
# The maze is a 2-D array implemented as a list of lists, where each cell
# holds bit flags (see line 80 and following for the possible flags).
# Note that the flags denoting directions indicate a direction to another
# cell that is reachable by going in that direction (e.g. the flag NORTH
# indicates that there is no wall between this cell and its northern
# neighbor).
every !(maze := list(h)) := list(w,EMPTY) # shiny new empty maze
# (each cell starts with 4 walls)
start := [?h,?w,?4-1,START] # random [r,c] start & finish
finish := [?h,?w,(start[3]+2)%4,FINISH] # w/ opposite side exponent
every x := start | finish do {
case x[3] := 2 ^ x[3] of { # get side from exponent and
NORTH : x[1] := 1 # project r,c to selected edge
EAST : x[2] := w
SOUTH : x[1] := h
WEST : x[2] := 1
maze[x[1],x[2]] +:= x[3] + x[4] # transcribe s/f to maze
maze[start[1],start[2]] +:= SEEN
push(visited := [], Position(start[1],start[2]))
rd := [NORTH, EAST, SOUTH, WEST] # initial list of directions
while *visited > 0 do {
p := pop(visited)
r := p.r
c := p.c
if maze[r,c] then { # in bounds
every !rd :=: ?rd # randomize list of directions
xp := &null # This forces depth-first!
every d := !rd do
case d of { # try all, if succeed: clear wall
NORTH : if np := chkPos(maze,r-1,c,p, NORTH) then {
if /xp then (push(visited,p),xp := "putback")
push(visited, np)
EAST : if np := chkPos(maze,r,c+1,p, EAST) then {
if /xp then (push(visited,p),xp := "putback")
push(visited, np)
SOUTH : if np := chkPos(maze,r+1,c,p, SOUTH) then {
if /xp then (push(visited,p),xp := "putback")
push(visited, np)
WEST : if np := chkPos(maze,r,c-1,p, WEST) then {
if /xp then (push(visited,p),xp := "putback")
push(visited, np)
return maze

procedure chkPos(maze,r,c,p,wall)
# If the new cell is inside the maze and hasn't been visited yet,
# remove the wall between the old and new cells and return the new cell
if iand(maze[r,c], SEEN) = EMPTY then {
maze[r,c] +:= SEEN
maze[p.r,p.c] +:= wall
return Position(r,c)

record mazeinfo(window,maze,filename) # keepers

procedure DisplayMaze(maze) #: show it off
if CELL < 8 then runerr(205,CELL) # too small

wh := (ch := (mh := *maze ) * CELL) + 2 * BORDER # win, cell, maze height
ww := (cw := (mw := *maze[1]) * CELL) + 2 * BORDER # win, cell, maze width

wparms := [ sprintf("Maze %dx%d",*maze,*maze[1]), # window parameters

&window := open!wparms | stop("Unable to open Window")

Fg("black") # Draw full grid
every DrawLine(x := 0 to cw by CELL,0,x,ch+1) # . verticals
every DrawLine(0,y := 0 to ch by CELL,cw+1,y) # . horizontals

Fg("white") # Set to erase lines
every y := CELL*((r := 1 to mh)-1) & x := CELL*((c := 1 to mw)-1) do {
WAttrib("dx="||x+BORDER,"dy="||y+BORDER) # position @ cell r,c
if iand(maze[r,c],NORTH) ~= EMPTY then DrawLine(2,0,CELL-1,0)
if iand(maze[r,c],EAST) ~= EMPTY then DrawLine(CELL,2,CELL,CELL-1)
if iand(maze[r,c],SOUTH) ~= EMPTY then DrawLine(2,CELL,CELL-1,CELL)
if iand(maze[r,c],WEST) ~= EMPTY then DrawLine(0,2,0,CELL-1)

colorCell(start[1],start[2], "red", 3)
colorCell(finish[1],finish[2], "green", 3)
until Event() == &lpress
return mazeinfo(&window,maze,sprintf("maze-%dx%d-%d.gif",r,c,&now))

procedure DisplayMazeSolution(mz) #: draw marked PATH
&window := mz.window
maze := mz.maze
# First, draw a line through the full path.
if *fullPath > 0 then {
push(fullPath, Clone("linewidth=3","fg=blue"))
every (r := 1 to *maze) & (c := 1 to *maze[1]) do {
fg := "blue"
if iand(maze[r,c],START) ~= EMPTY then fg := "red"
if iand(maze[r,c],FINISH) ~= EMPTY then fg := "green"
if iand(maze[r,c],PATH) ~= EMPTY then markCell(r,c,fg,3)
until Event() == &lpress
return mz

procedure markCell(r,c,fg,sz)
initial WAttrib("dx="||(dxy:=BORDER+CELL/2),"dy="||dxy)

procedure colorCell(r,c,fg,sz)

20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions uni/progs/complex_ex.icn
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
# <p>
# <b>complex_ex</b> Example using Unicon's operator overloading and the
# Complex class (complex negation is not provided by the class)
# <i>Requires that Unicon be configured with the</i> <tt>--enable-ovld</tt>
# <i>flag set.</i>
# </p>

import math

procedure main()
write("c1: ",(c1 := Complex(1.5,3)).toString())
write("c2: ",(c2 := Complex(1.5,1.5)).toString())
write("+: ",(c1+c2).toString())
write("-: ",(c1-c2).toString())
write("*: ",(c1*c2).toString())
write("/: ",(c1/c2).toString())
write("additive inverse: ",c1.addInverse().toString())
write("multiplicative inverse: ",c1.multInverse().toString())
write("conjugate of (4,-3i): ",Complex(4,-3).conjugate().toString())

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