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jyluo committed Apr 7, 2018
1 parent 748fd0f commit 6845bc9
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Showing 16 changed files with 2,206 additions and 0 deletions.
27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions coq-proof/Dependencies.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
TacticalLemmas -> none
UnitsDefs -> none
SubtypingDefs -> UnitsDefs
UnitsArithmetics -> UnitsDefs, SubtypingDefs

IDDefs -> none
ValueDefs -> UnitsDefs

MapsDefs -> none
GammaDefs -> UnitsDefs, IDDefs, MapsDefs
HeapDefs -> UnitsDefs, IDDefs, ValueDefs, MapsDefs

ConstraintsDefs -> UnitsDefs, SubtypingDefs, UnitsArithmetics
SigmaDefs -> UnitsDefs, UnitsArithmetics, ConstraintsDefs

UnitsSoundness -> TacticalLemmas, UnitsDefs, SubtypingDefs, UnitsArithmetics, IDDefs, ValueDefs, GammaDefs, HeapDefs, ConstraintsDefs, SigmaDefs

coqc "C:\Users\Jeff\Dropbox\School\Waterloo\PHD\Research\Units Checker\Units Proof\OOPSLA\TacticalLemmas.v" 2>&1

TODO: field identifiers are just nats.

Gamma maps IDs to Types.

285 changes: 285 additions & 0 deletions coq-proof/ExpressionsDefs.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
Require Import Bool.
Require Import Lists.List.
Import List.ListNotations.
Require Import Lists.ListSet.
Require Import Arith.
Require Import Arith.EqNat.
Require Import Strings.String. Open Scope string_scope.
Open Scope core_scope.

Require Import TacticalLemmas.
Require Import UnitsDefs.
Require Import UnitsArithmetics.
Require Import SubtypingDefs.
Require Import IDDefs.
Require Import ValueDefs.
Require Import GammaDefs.
Require Import HeapDefs.
Require Import GammaHeapCorrespondence.

(* Print Grammar pattern. *)

(* ======================================================= *)
Inductive Expression : Type :=
| E_Value : Value -> Expression
| E_Field_Lookup : ID -> Expression
| E_Arith : Expression -> OpKind -> Expression -> Expression.
Tactic Notation "exp_cases" tactic(first) ident(c) :=
[ Case_aux c "E_Value"
| Case_aux c "E_Field_Lookup"
| Case_aux c "E_Arith"
Hint Constructors Expression.

Notation "e1 ':+' e2" := (E_Arith e1 op_add e2) (at level 2).
Notation "e1 ':*' e2" := (E_Arith e1 op_mul e2) (at level 2).
Notation "e1 ':%' e2" := (E_Arith e1 op_mod e2) (at level 2).

(* ======================================================= *)
Reserved Notation "'expr:' G '|-' e 'in' U" (at level 40).
Inductive expr_has_type : Gamma -> Expression -> Unit -> Prop :=
| T_Value : forall (g : Gamma) (Tv : Unit) (z : nat),
expr: g |- E_Value (Val Tv z) in Tv
| T_Field_Lookup : forall (g : Gamma) (f : ID) (Tf : Unit),
Gamma_Contains g f = true ->
Gamma_Get g f = Some Tf ->
expr: g |- E_Field_Lookup f in Tf
| T_Arith : forall (g : Gamma) (e1 e2 : Expression) (T1 T2 : Unit) (op : OpKind),
expr: g |- e1 in T1 ->
expr: g |- e2 in T2 ->
expr: g |- E_Arith e1 op e2 in (computeUnit op T1 T2)
where "'expr:' g '|-' e 'in' T" := (expr_has_type g e T).
Tactic Notation "expr_has_type_cases" tactic(first) ident(c) :=
[ Case_aux c "T_Value"
| Case_aux c "T_Field_Lookup"
| Case_aux c "T_Arith"
Hint Constructors expr_has_type.

(* ======================================================= *)
Reserved Notation " he1 'expr==>' e2 " (at level 8).
Inductive expr_small_step : prod Heap Expression -> Expression -> Prop :=
| ST_Field_Lookup : forall (h : Heap) (f : ID),
( h, E_Field_Lookup f ) expr==> (E_Value (FieldValue h f))
| ST_Arith_Values : forall (h : Heap) (T1 T2 : Unit) (z1 z2 : nat) (op : OpKind),
( h, E_Arith (E_Value (Val T1 z1)) op (E_Value (Val T2 z2)) ) expr==> (E_Value (Val (computeUnit op T1 T2) (computeNat op z1 z2)) )
| ST_Arith_Left_Reduce : forall (h : Heap) (e1 e1' e2 : Expression) (op : OpKind),
( h, e1 ) expr==> e1' ->
( h, E_Arith e1 op e2 ) expr==> (E_Arith e1' op e2)
| ST_Arith_Right_Reduce : forall (h : Heap) (v1 : Value) (e2 e2' : Expression) (op : OpKind),
( h, e2 ) expr==> e2' ->
( h, E_Arith (E_Value v1) op e2 ) expr==> (E_Arith (E_Value v1) op e2')
where " he1 'expr==>' e2 " := (expr_small_step he1 e2).
Tactic Notation "expr_small_step_cases" tactic(first) ident(c) :=
[ Case_aux c "ST_Field_Lookup"
| Case_aux c "ST_Arith_Values"
| Case_aux c "ST_Arith_Left_Reduce"
| Case_aux c "ST_Arith_Right_Reduce"
Hint Constructors expr_small_step.

(* ======================================================= *)
(* step is deterministic *)
Theorem expr_small_step_deterministic:
forall (h : Heap) (e e1 e2 : Expression),
(h, e) expr==> e1 ->
(h, e) expr==> e2 ->
e1 = e2.
intros h e e1 e2 He1.
generalize dependent e2.
expr_small_step_cases (induction He1) Case.
Case "ST_Field_Lookup".
intros e2 He2. inversion He2; subst. reflexivity.
Case "ST_Arith_Values".
intros e2 He2. inversion He2; subst.
inversion H4; subst.
inversion H4; subst.
Case "ST_Arith_Left_Reduce".
intros e3 He3. inversion He3; subst.
inversion He1.
apply IHHe1 in H4. subst. reflexivity.
inversion He1.
Case "ST_Arith_Right_Reduce".
intros e3 He3. inversion He3; subst.
inversion He1.
inversion H4.
apply IHHe1 in H4. subst. reflexivity.

(* ======================================================= *)
Inductive expr_normal_form : Expression -> Prop :=
| V_Expr_Value : forall (T : Unit) (z : nat), expr_normal_form (E_Value (Val T z)).

(* ======================================================= *)
Theorem expr_progress : forall (g : Gamma) (e : Expression) (u : Unit) (h : Heap),
expr: g |- e in u ->
gh: g |- h OK ->
expr_normal_form e \/ exists e', (h, e) expr==> e'.
(* by induction on typing of expr *)
intros g e u h HT HGH.
expr_has_type_cases (induction HT) Case; subst.
Case "T_Value".
left. apply V_Expr_Value.
Case "T_Field_Lookup".
right. exists (E_Value (FieldValue h f)). apply ST_Field_Lookup.
Case "T_Arith".
destruct IHHT1 as [He1NF |He1STEP]. apply HGH.
(* Case: e1 is normal form *)
inversion He1NF; subst.
destruct IHHT2 as [He2NF | He2STEP]. apply HGH.
(* Case: e2 is normal form *)
inversion He2NF; subst. exists (E_Value (Val (computeUnit op T T0) (computeNat op z z0))). apply ST_Arith_Values.
(* Case: e2 can take a step *)
inversion He2STEP as [e2']; subst. exists (E_Arith (E_Value (Val T z)) op e2'). apply ST_Arith_Right_Reduce. apply H.
(* Case: e1 can take a step *)
inversion He1STEP as [e1']; subst. exists (E_Arith e1' op e2). apply ST_Arith_Left_Reduce. apply H.

(* ======================================================= *)

(* TODO: split into proper subproofs *)

Theorem CU_Left_ST_Consistent:
forall op T1 T1' T2,
T1' <: T1 = true ->
(computeUnit op T1' T2) <: (computeUnit op T1 T2) = true.
intros. unfold computeUnit.
induction T1', T1; subst.
apply subtype_reflexive.
inversion H. rewrite -> unit_eq_dec_false in H1. inversion H1. discriminate.
inversion H. rewrite -> unit_eq_dec_false in H1. inversion H1. discriminate.
induction op; subst.
rewrite -> addUnit_top_T_is_top. apply top_is_always_supertype.
simpl. apply top_is_always_supertype.
simpl. reflexivity.
apply subtype_reflexive.
induction op; subst.
rewrite -> addUnit_bottom_T_is_T. unfold addUnit. unfold LUB. induction T2.
simpl. rewrite -> unit_eq_dec_true. reflexivity.
simpl. rewrite -> unit_eq_dec_false. reflexivity. discriminate.
destruct (unit_eq_dec (declaredUnit n0) (declaredUnit n)).
inversion e; subst. rewrite -> subtype_reflexive. rewrite -> subtype_reflexive. reflexivity.
simpl. rewrite -> unit_eq_dec_false. rewrite -> unit_eq_dec_false. reflexivity. apply n1. intros contra. apply n1. symmetry. apply contra.
simpl. induction T2.
apply subtype_reflexive.
apply subtype_reflexive.
apply bottom_is_always_subtype.
simpl. reflexivity.
induction op; subst.
rewrite -> addUnit_top_T_is_top. apply top_is_always_supertype.
simpl. apply top_is_always_supertype.
simpl. reflexivity.
inversion H. rewrite -> unit_eq_dec_false in H1. inversion H1. discriminate.
inversion H; subst. destruct (unit_eq_dec (declaredUnit n) (declaredUnit n0)).
inversion e; subst. apply subtype_reflexive.
inversion H1.

(* TODO: split into proper subproofs *)

Theorem CU_Right_ST_Consistent:
forall op T1 T2 T2',
T2' <: T2 = true ->
(computeUnit op T1 T2') <: (computeUnit op T1 T2) = true.
intros. unfold computeUnit.
induction T2', T2; subst.
apply subtype_reflexive.
inversion H. rewrite -> unit_eq_dec_false in H1. inversion H1. discriminate.
inversion H. rewrite -> unit_eq_dec_false in H1. inversion H1. discriminate.
induction op; subst.
rewrite -> addUnit_T_top_is_top. apply top_is_always_supertype.
induction T1; subst; simpl.
rewrite -> unit_eq_dec_true. reflexivity.
unfold modUnit. apply subtype_reflexive.
apply subtype_reflexive.
induction op; subst.
rewrite -> addUnit_T_bottom_is_T. induction T1; subst.
rewrite -> addUnit_top_T_is_top. apply subtype_reflexive.
apply bottom_is_always_subtype.
destruct (unit_eq_dec (declaredUnit n0) (declaredUnit n)).
destruct e; subst. rewrite -> addUnit_reflexive. apply subtype_reflexive.
unfold addUnit. unfold LUB. simpl. rewrite -> unit_eq_dec_false. rewrite -> unit_eq_dec_false.
intros contra. apply n1. symmetry. apply contra.
apply n1.
unfold mulUnit. induction T1; subst.
apply subtype_reflexive.
apply subtype_reflexive.
apply bottom_is_always_subtype.
unfold modUnit. apply subtype_reflexive.
induction op; subst.
rewrite -> addUnit_T_top_is_top. apply top_is_always_supertype.
unfold mulUnit. induction T1; subst.
apply subtype_reflexive.
apply top_is_always_supertype.
apply top_is_always_supertype.
unfold modUnit. apply subtype_reflexive.
inversion H. rewrite -> unit_eq_dec_false in H1. inversion H1. discriminate.
inversion H; subst. destruct (unit_eq_dec (declaredUnit n) (declaredUnit n0)).
inversion e; subst. apply subtype_reflexive.
inversion H1.

(* ======================================================= *)
Theorem expr_preservation : forall (g : Gamma) (h : Heap) (e e' : Expression) (T : Unit),
expr: g |- e in T ->
gh: g |- h OK ->
(h, e) expr==> e' ->
exists (T' : Unit), T' <: T = true /\ expr: g |- e' in T'.
(* by induction on typing of exprs *)
intros g h e e' T HT HGH HS.
generalize dependent e'.
expr_has_type_cases (induction HT) Case; intros e' HS; subst.
Case "T_Value".
inversion HS. (* empty expr list does not step *)
Case "T_Field_Lookup".
inversion HS; subst.
inversion HGH; subst.
destruct H1 with f Tf. destruct H3. destruct H4 as [Tv']. destruct H4 as [z'].
destruct H4. destruct H5.
exists Tv'. split.
apply H6.
rewrite -> H5. apply T_Value.
Case "T_Arith".
inversion HS; subst. (* e1 op e2 ==> e' in one of 3 ways *)
SCase "ST_Arith_Values". (* v1 op v2 ==> v *)
inversion HT1; subst.
inversion HT2; subst.
exists (computeUnit op T1 T2).
apply subtype_reflexive. (* apply ST_Reflexive. *)
apply T_Value.
SCase "ST_Arith_Left_Reduce". (* e1 op e2 ==> e1' op e2 *)
apply IHHT1 with e1' in HGH.
destruct HGH.
destruct H.
exists (computeUnit op x T2).
eapply CU_Left_ST_Consistent in H. apply H.
apply T_Arith.
apply H0. apply HT2.
apply H4.
SCase "ST_Arith_Right_Reduce". (* v1 op e2 ==> v1 op e2' *)
apply IHHT2 with e2' in HGH.
destruct HGH.
destruct H.
exists (computeUnit op T1 x).
eapply CU_Right_ST_Consistent in H. apply H.
apply T_Arith.
apply HT1. apply H0.
apply H4.


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