Framework for a 2D adventure/RPG game made using TDD approach. Character/gameplay rules based on GURPS 4e.
Only the parts of the original rules that are actually useful for the game will be implemented!
The instance of the game is a singleton, that can be accessed using the property:
public static Game Instance
instance ??= new Game();
return instance;
This instance can be filled with custom game data using one of the GameLoader*** classes from the Services namespace.
There are some simple game setups stored in the Game Samples Folder that demonstrate some of the basic concepts of the Dungeon Toolkit.
- Dialogue Condition Contains a simple dialog with three possible answers, one of which is disabled because the John Smith character's intelligence is not greater than the requiered value.
- Fetch Quest Is a game instance in which the party has a quest to bring an item to a NPC. After this item is picked up in the inventory, the NPC dialogue will enable an option to give this item to the NPC and therefore complete the quest. After choosing this dialogue option, the quest is completed, the item is removed from character's inventory and experience points are assigned.
- One of the big reasons to create this project was to learn the test-driven product development as taught by Llewelyn Falco.
- Refactoring the code with ReSharper.