By default Angular has 2 option for route your application:
- PathLocationStrategy Angular by default is used that relies in the History API , that means that is only usable by browsers that can support HTML5.
- HashLocationStrategy This works by adding a hash sign # in the URL, the portion after the # indicates the view that will be used by the router. It is supported by all browsers even older ones.
- QueryLocationStrategy This location strategy it is a combination between PathLocationStrategy and HashLocationStrategy. One custom parameter indicates the view that will be used by the router and without to have dependencies by route pathname.
Path Strategy | Hash Strategy | Query Strategy | |
Use # in url | ✅ | ➖ | ✅ |
Runs in any path names | ➖ | ✅ | ✅ |
imports: [
NgxLocationStrategiesModule.forRoot({ routeQueryName: "my-app" })
exports: [RouterModule],
export class AppRoutingModule {
Path Strategy http://localhost:4200/posts?orderby=name
Hash Strategy http://localhost:4200/#/posts&orderby=name
Query Strategy http://localhost:4200/?my-app=/posts&orderby=name#myTag