Your JIRA project code(s) comma delimited# jira2html Automatically output a list of JIRA issues to an HTML table and push them to a git-hub repository. The original target for this exercise was a page to be published to a Wiki.js wiki backed by git.
- PyGithub: pip install PyGithub
- JIRA Python: pip install jira
- ConfigObj: pip install configobj
- You need have to create a GitHub access token here (Select only 'repo' as scope).
- If you are using a cloud instance of JIRA you will need an access token. Instructions on how to get one are here
- You need to create a configuration files using the provided template. The script will automatically look for a local configuration file named "jira2html.conf", but you can also use the "-c" command line option to specify an alternative configuration file
The configuration file must contain:
# Template config file for
jira_url= # URL of your JIRA server
jira_projects= # Your JIRA project code(s) comma delimited
jira_usr= # Your JIRA username
jira_token= # Your JIRA API access token (if cloud instance) or password (if self hosted)
git_token= # Obtained from
git_repo= # yourOrg/yourRepo
commit_message= # Git commit message
status_filter=True # If true shows only open and in progress issues, set to false for all issues
md_file= # git repo path of output file
A configuration file template is included in the repository. To use rename to jira2html.conf and fill in.
>> python [-c <configFile>]