Device Tree For Galaxy Trend Duos S7392.
Contains RIL Patches from pawitp :
I don't claim any license or copyright in any of the work done. All the sources are licensed as per their originals : AOSP or from CyanogenMod.
Build Instructions: The following steps assume that you have already downloaded the sources (CM 10.1) using repo and repo sync. I ASSUME NO LIABILITY IF FLASHING ROM BRICKS YOUR DEVICE OR YOUR WARRANTY IS VOID. DO IT ON YOUR OWN.
- Checkout the source code under /CM_Source/device/samsung/kyleve
- Copy the init.rc file to /CM_Source/system/core/rootdir/. [This will replace the original init.rc file]
- You can also force copying init.rc in the build script by editing file. This way you don't have to replace the init.rc file in the system tree.
- Copy the ril/com/android/internal/telephony/ to /CM_Source/frameworks/base/telephony/java/com/android/internal/telephony/. You HAVE TO COPY IT. NO WAY AROUND.
- Make (or search google for a sample) file under CM_Source/vendor/kyleve/. And all the below: USE_CAMERA_STUB := false YES just ONE LINE.
- Go to /CM_Source/
- . ./build/
- lunch cm_kyleve-fulldebug
- Let it cook fully.
- Flash using CWM.