The repository contains the core knowledge of Information Theory and Coding, organized by knowledge points and can be used as a reference for teaching or studying.
v2.0 Completed all chapter updates, corrected some formatting issues, officially open version 2.0 230224
v1.9 Completed chapter 9 update 230224
v1.8 Completed chapter 8 update 230219
v1.7 Completed chapter 7 update 230218
v1.6 Completed chapter 6 update 230216
v1.5 Completed chapter 5 update 230214
v1.4 Completed chapter 4 update 230207
v1.3 Completed chapter 3 update 230207
v1.2 Completed distortionless coding of discrete sources chapter update 230205
- v1.1 Completed source chapter update 230204
- v1.0 Completed introduction chapter update 230201
[1] Proakis, John G., et al. Communication systems engineering. Vol. 2. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1994.
[3] 周炯槃. 通信原理(第3版)[M]. 北京:北京邮电大学出版社, 2008.
[4] 樊昌信, 曹丽娜. 通信原理(第7版) [M]. 北京:国防工业出版社, 2012.
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