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This repository contains a BPMN modeler (using bpmn-js) with continuous integrated control-flow analysis, error visualization, and potential quick-fixes using my rust_bpmn_analyzer, see detailed description on my website.

A demo version of the application is hosted here (fully client-side compiling Rust to WebAssembly).

The following screenshot shows a simple situation where the control flow in BPMN can get stuck (violates the Option To Complete property). A counter-example shows the token flow in the diagram leading to this situation. image


The setup is standard for projects using npm.

Installing dependencies

npm i

Run the application

The following command will start the application ready to be used.

npm start

Model checking is provided using the WebAssembly module cross-compiled from the rust_bpmn_analyzer.

As an alternative, one can use the rust_bpmn_analyzer natively to provide a model checking web service on port 3001.

To switch between the implementations one can change the AnalysisClientModule import in app.js.

There are two ways to run the rust_bpmn_analyzer webservice for this project:

1. Docker (recommended)

Pull the container image (image is only 4MB compressed):

docker pull tkra/rust_bpmn_analyzer

Run a container on port 3001:

docker run -p 3001:8080 tkra/rust_bpmn_analyzer

2. Running from source using Rust

Clone the rust_bpmn_analyzer and run the following command in the webserver subdirectory:

cargo run -- -p 3001

You need to have Rust installed.

Build the application

To build the application for the rust_bpmn_analyzer, you can run the following command:

npm run build:rust

This builds the application for the rust_bpmn_analyzer, which is expected to be located next to this project (/../rust_bpmn_analyzer).

Code Linting & Style

For linting I use eslint and to maintain a consistent code style I use prettier. Both are checked using GitHub actions on every code change.

Run eslint and prettier using the following command:

npm run all


I heavily use the excellent ecosystem, i.e., bpmn-js and bpmn-js-token-simulation.


A BPMN modeler with integrated control-flow analysis and quick-fixes.







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