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[Example] Add GQA Example (#118)
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* Add DeepSeek MLA decode example with Flash Attention implementation

* Add GEMM SplitK and StreamK example implementations

This commit introduces two new example scripts demonstrating advanced GEMM (matrix multiplication) techniques:
- ``: Implements a Split-K GEMM kernel using TileLang
- ``: Implements a Stream-K GEMM kernel using TileLang

Both examples showcase different parallel computation strategies for matrix multiplication, with comprehensive testing using PyTorch reference implementations.

* Refactor GEMM SplitK and StreamK example implementations

Clean up and improve code formatting for the SplitK and StreamK GEMM example scripts:
- Remove unused import (Profiler) in splitk example
- Simplify line breaks and improve code readability
- Standardize indentation and remove unnecessary whitespace
- Optimize atomic add and copy operations for better clarity

* Add block sparse attention benchmarks for multiple libraries

This commit introduces comprehensive block sparse attention benchmarks for different libraries:
- TileLang block sparse FMHA implementation
- Triton block sparse FMHA implementation
- PyTorch reference block sparse FMHA implementation
- FlashAttention dense FMHA reference implementation

The benchmarks include:
- Configurable benchmark parameters (batch size, heads, sequence length, etc.)
- Sparse mask generation using top-k and threshold methods
- Performance measurement for different sparse attention configurations
- Utility functions for mask generation and benchmarking

* Refactor block sparse attention benchmarks with code style improvements

- Add Ruff linter ignore comments to benchmark files
- Improve code formatting and line breaks
- Remove unused imports
- Standardize print statement formatting
- Enhance code readability across multiple library benchmarks

* lint fix

* Add CUDA atomic operations for BFLOAT16 and update function naming

- Implement AtomicAdd functions for BFLOAT16 and BFLOAT16x2 in CUDA common header
- Rename existing atomic add functions to use PascalCase (atomicAdd -> AtomicAdd)
- Add a new __pack_nv_bfloat162 function for packing BFLOAT16 values
- Update kernel and language customization to use new function names
- Add return type annotations in profiler module

* lint fix

* Add example for Group Query Attention (GQA) forward pass using Flash Attention in TileLang

This commit introduces a new example script `` that demonstrates:
- Group Query Attention (GQA) implementation
- Flash Attention forward pass
- Performance benchmarking
- Configurable parameters for batch, heads, sequence length, and dimension
- Autotuning support
- Reference implementation comparison

* Refactor IR lowering pipeline into modular phases

This commit introduces a new module `` to modularize the IR lowering process by splitting the complex lowering pipeline into two distinct phases:
- `LowerAndLegalize`: Handles initial IR legalization and transformation
- `OptimizeForTarget`: Applies target-specific optimizations

The changes simplify the lowering logic in multiple files by extracting the transformation steps into reusable functions, improving code readability and maintainability.

* lintfix
  • Loading branch information
LeiWang1999 authored Feb 25, 2025
1 parent 540aef4 commit e93c7c4
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Showing 5 changed files with 348 additions and 168 deletions.
241 changes: 241 additions & 0 deletions examples/flash_attention/
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@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.

import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
import tilelang
from tilelang import Profiler
from tilelang.autotuner import *
import tilelang.language as T
import itertools
import argparse
from functools import partial

def get_configs():
block_M = [128]
block_N = [128]
num_stages = [2]
threads = [256]
_configs = list(itertools.product(block_M, block_N, num_stages, threads))

configs = [{
'block_M': c[0],
'block_N': c[1],
'num_stages': c[2],
'threads': c[3]
} for c in _configs]
return configs

def flashattn(batch, heads, seq_len, dim, is_causal, tune=False, groups=1):
scale = (1.0 / dim)**0.5 * 1.44269504 # log2(e)
head_kv = heads // groups
q_shape = [batch, seq_len, heads, dim]
kv_shape = [batch, seq_len, head_kv, dim]
dtype = "float16"
accum_dtype = "float"

def kernel_func(block_M, block_N, num_stages, threads):

def MMA0(
K: T.Buffer(kv_shape, dtype),
Q_shared: T.Buffer([block_M, dim], dtype),
K_shared: T.Buffer([block_N, dim], dtype),
acc_s: T.Buffer([block_M, block_N], accum_dtype),
k: T.int32,
bx: T.int32,
by: T.int32,
bz: T.int32,
T.copy(K[bz, k * block_N:(k + 1) * block_N, by // groups, :], K_shared)
if is_causal:
for i, j in T.Parallel(block_M, block_N):
acc_s[i, j] = T.if_then_else(bx * block_M + i >= k * block_N + j, 0,
T.gemm(Q_shared, K_shared, acc_s, transpose_B=True, policy=T.GemmWarpPolicy.FullRow)

def MMA1(
V: T.Buffer(kv_shape, dtype),
V_shared: T.Buffer([block_M, dim], dtype),
acc_s_cast: T.Buffer([block_M, block_N], dtype),
acc_o: T.Buffer([block_M, dim], accum_dtype),
k: T.int32,
by: T.int32,
bz: T.int32,
T.copy(V[bz, k * block_N:(k + 1) * block_N, by // groups, :], V_shared)
T.gemm(acc_s_cast, V_shared, acc_o, policy=T.GemmWarpPolicy.FullRow)

def Softmax(
acc_s: T.Buffer([block_M, block_N], accum_dtype),
acc_s_cast: T.Buffer([block_M, block_N], dtype),
scores_max: T.Buffer([block_M], accum_dtype),
scores_max_prev: T.Buffer([block_M], accum_dtype),
scores_scale: T.Buffer([block_M], accum_dtype),
scores_sum: T.Buffer([block_M], accum_dtype),
logsum: T.Buffer([block_M], accum_dtype),
T.copy(scores_max, scores_max_prev)
T.fill(scores_max, -T.infinity(accum_dtype))
T.reduce_max(acc_s, scores_max, dim=1, clear=False)
# To do causal softmax, we need to set the scores_max to 0 if it is -inf
# This process is called Check_inf in FlashAttention3 code, and it only need to be done
# in the first ceil_div(kBlockM, kBlockN) steps.
# for i in T.Parallel(block_M):
# scores_max[i] = T.if_then_else(scores_max[i] == -T.infinity(accum_dtype), 0, scores_max[i])
for i in T.Parallel(block_M):
scores_scale[i] = T.exp2(scores_max_prev[i] * scale - scores_max[i] * scale)
for i, j in T.Parallel(block_M, block_N):
# Instead of computing exp(x - max), we compute exp2(x * log_2(e) -
# max * log_2(e)) This allows the compiler to use the ffma
# instruction instead of fadd and fmul separately.
acc_s[i, j] = T.exp2(acc_s[i, j] * scale - scores_max[i] * scale)
T.reduce_sum(acc_s, scores_sum, dim=1)
for i in T.Parallel(block_M):
logsum[i] = logsum[i] * scores_scale[i] + scores_sum[i]
T.copy(acc_s, acc_s_cast)

def Rescale(
acc_o: T.Buffer([block_M, dim], accum_dtype),
scores_scale: T.Buffer([block_M], accum_dtype),
for i, j in T.Parallel(block_M, dim):
acc_o[i, j] *= scores_scale[i]

def main(
Q: T.Buffer(q_shape, dtype),
K: T.Buffer(kv_shape, dtype),
V: T.Buffer(kv_shape, dtype),
Output: T.Buffer(q_shape, dtype),
with T.Kernel(
T.ceildiv(seq_len, block_M), heads, batch, threads=threads) as (bx, by, bz):
Q_shared = T.alloc_shared([block_M, dim], dtype)
K_shared = T.alloc_shared([block_N, dim], dtype)
V_shared = T.alloc_shared([block_N, dim], dtype)
O_shared = T.alloc_shared([block_M, dim], dtype)
acc_s = T.alloc_fragment([block_M, block_N], accum_dtype)
acc_s_cast = T.alloc_fragment([block_M, block_N], dtype)
acc_o = T.alloc_fragment([block_M, dim], accum_dtype)
scores_max = T.alloc_fragment([block_M], accum_dtype)
scores_max_prev = T.alloc_fragment([block_M], accum_dtype)
scores_scale = T.alloc_fragment([block_M], accum_dtype)
scores_sum = T.alloc_fragment([block_M], accum_dtype)
logsum = T.alloc_fragment([block_M], accum_dtype)

T.copy(Q[bz, bx * block_M:(bx + 1) * block_M, by, :], Q_shared)
T.fill(acc_o, 0)
T.fill(logsum, 0)
T.fill(scores_max, -T.infinity(accum_dtype))

loop_range = (
T.min(T.ceildiv(seq_len, block_N), T.ceildiv(
(bx + 1) * block_M, block_N)) if is_causal else T.ceildiv(seq_len, block_N))

for k in T.Pipelined(loop_range, num_stages=num_stages):
MMA0(K, Q_shared, K_shared, acc_s, k, bx, by, bz)
Softmax(acc_s, acc_s_cast, scores_max, scores_max_prev, scores_scale,
scores_sum, logsum)
Rescale(acc_o, scores_scale)
MMA1(V, V_shared, acc_s_cast, acc_o, k, by, bz)
for i, j in T.Parallel(block_M, dim):
acc_o[i, j] /= logsum[i]
T.copy(acc_o, O_shared)
T.copy(O_shared, Output[bz, bx * block_M:(bx + 1) * block_M, by, :])

return main

if tune:

keys=["block_M", "block_N", "num_stages", "threads"],
def kernel(block_M=None, block_N=None, num_stages=None, threads=None):
return kernel_func(block_M, block_N, num_stages, threads)

return kernel()

def kernel(block_M, block_N, num_stages, threads):
return kernel_func(block_M, block_N, num_stages, threads)

return kernel

def ref_program(Q, K, V, is_causal, groups=1):
# Q: [B, T, HQ, D]
# K: [B, T, HK, D]
# V: [B, T, HV, D]
# HQ = HKV * groups
assert Q.size(2) == K.size(
2) * groups, f"Q.size(2): {Q.size(2)}, K.size(2): {K.size(2)}, groups: {groups}"
assert Q.size(2) == V.size(
2) * groups, f"Q.size(2): {Q.size(2)}, V.size(2): {V.size(2)}, groups: {groups}"

dim = Q.size(-1)
K = K.repeat_interleave(groups, dim=2)
V = V.repeat_interleave(groups, dim=2)
scores = torch.einsum('bqhd,bkhd->bhqk', Q, K)
scores = scores / torch.sqrt(torch.tensor(dim, dtype=scores.dtype))
if is_causal:
seq_len = Q.size(1)
mask = torch.tril(torch.ones(seq_len, seq_len, device=scores.device))
mask = mask.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0)
scores = scores.masked_fill(mask == 0, float('-inf'))
attention_weights = F.softmax(scores, dim=-1)
output = torch.einsum('bhqk,bkhd->bqhd', attention_weights, V)
return output

if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--batch', type=int, default=8, help='batch size')
parser.add_argument('--heads', type=int, default=32, help='heads')
parser.add_argument('--seq_len', type=int, default=4096, help='sequence length')
parser.add_argument('--dim', type=int, default=128, help='dim')
parser.add_argument('--is_causal', action='store_true', help='causal')
parser.add_argument('--tune', action='store_true', help='tune configs')
parser.add_argument('--groups', type=int, default=8, help='groups')
args = parser.parse_args()
batch, heads, seq_len, dim, is_causal, groups = args.batch, args.heads, args.seq_len, args.dim, args.is_causal, args.groups
flops_per_matmul = 2.0 * batch * heads * seq_len * seq_len * dim
total_flops = 2 * flops_per_matmul
if is_causal:
total_flops *= 0.5

if (not args.tune):
program = flashattn(
batch, heads, seq_len, dim, is_causal, tune=args.tune, groups=groups)(
block_M=128, block_N=128, num_stages=1, threads=128)
ref_program = partial(ref_program, is_causal=is_causal, groups=groups)
mod, params = tilelang.lower(program)
mod = Profiler(mod, params, [3], tilelang.TensorSupplyType.Normal)
mod.assert_allclose(ref_program, rtol=0.01, atol=0.01)
print("All checks pass.")
latency = mod.do_bench(ref_program, warmup=500)
print("Ref: {:.2f} ms".format(latency))
print("Ref: {:.2f} TFlops".format(total_flops / latency * 1e-9))
latency = mod.do_bench(mod.func, warmup=500)
print("Tile-lang: {:.2f} ms".format(latency))
print("Tile-lang: {:.2f} TFlops".format(total_flops / latency * 1e-9))
best_latency, best_config, _ = flashattn(
batch, heads, seq_len, dim, is_causal, tune=args.tune)
print(f"Best latency: {best_latency}")
print(f"Best TFlops: {total_flops / best_latency * 1e-9}")
print(f"Best config: {best_config}")
73 changes: 10 additions & 63 deletions tilelang/engine/
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Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
# Licensed under the MIT License.
"""The compiler for TL programs."""

import tilelang as tl
import os
import os.path as osp
from typing import Union, Optional, Callable
Expand All @@ -12,6 +11,10 @@
from import Target
from tilelang.contrib import hipcc, nvcc
from import determine_target
from tilelang.engine.phase import (

def is_cpu_device_backend(target: Target):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -152,68 +155,12 @@ def lower(
_is_host_call = get_host_call(is_device_c=is_cpu_device_backend(target))
_is_device_call = get_device_call(is_device_c=is_cpu_device_backend(target))

mod = tir.transform.BindTarget(target)(mod)

mod = tl.transform.FrontendLegalize()(mod)
mod = tir.transform.Simplify()(mod)
mod = tl.transform.LayoutInference()(mod)
mod = tl.transform.LowerTileOp()(mod)
mod = tl.transform.LegalizeVectorizedLoop()(mod)
mod = tl.transform.LegalizeSafeMemoryAccess()(mod)
# Inject Simplify to remove the duplicated conditions
mod = tir.transform.Simplify()(mod)

# which may be introduced by the LegalizeSafeMemoryAccess
if target.arch == "sm_90":
mod = tl.transform.MultiVersionBuffer()(mod)
mod = tl.transform.WarpSpecialized()(mod)
mod = tl.transform.InjectSoftwarePipeline()(mod)
mod = tir.transform.LowerOpaqueBlock()(mod)
# mod = tl.transform.WarpSpecializedPipeline()(mod)
mod = tl.transform.InjectFenceProxy()(mod)
mod = tir.transform.PlanAndUpdateBufferAllocationLocation()(mod)
mod = tl.transform.PipelinePlanning()(mod)
mod = tl.transform.InjectSoftwarePipeline()(mod)

mod = tir.transform.LowerOpaqueBlock()(mod)
mod = tir.transform.FlattenBuffer()(mod)
mod = tir.transform.NarrowDataType(32)(mod)
mod = tir.transform.Simplify()(mod)
mod = tl.transform.VectorizeLoop()(mod)
mod = tir.transform.StorageRewrite()(mod)
mod = tir.transform.UnrollLoop()(mod)
mod = tir.transform.RenormalizeSplitPattern()(mod)
mod = tir.transform.Simplify()(mod)
mod = tir.transform.RemoveNoOp()(mod)
mod = tir.transform.RewriteUnsafeSelect()(mod)
mod = tir.transform.HoistIfThenElse()(mod)

mod = tir.transform.VerifyMemory()(mod)
mod = tir.transform.AnnotateEntryFunc()(mod)
# TODO(lei): This is a hack to make sure the
# thread level allreduce pass can be applied
# in TL. As Tl only use one thread dimension
# the var binding information will be lost
# in the lowering process with Legalization
# and Simplify pass.
# We can find a way better to create var instead
# of putting the LowerThreadAllreduce before
# the Legalization.
mod = tl.transform.ThreadPartialSync("shared.dyn")(mod)
mod = tir.transform.InferFragment()(mod)
mod = tir.transform.LowerThreadAllreduce()(mod)
mod = tl.transform.LowerHopperIntrin()(mod)
mod = tl.transform.ThreadSync("shared")(mod)
mod = tl.transform.ThreadSync("shared.dyn")(mod)
mod = tir.transform.InjectPTXAsyncCopy()(mod)

mod = tl.transform.AnnotateDeviceRegions()(mod)
mod = tir.transform.SplitHostDevice()(mod)
mod = tir.transform.MergeSharedMemoryAllocations()(mod)

mod = tl.transform.MakePackedAPI()(mod)
mod = tir.transform.LowerDeviceKernelLaunch()(mod)
# Phase 1: Lower and legalize the IR
mod = LowerAndLegalize(mod, target)

# Phase 2: Optimize the IR for the target
mod = OptimizeForTarget(mod, target)

host_mod = tir.transform.Filter(_is_host_call)(mod)
host_mod = tir.transform.BindTarget(target_host)(host_mod)
host_mod = tir.transform.FP8StorageLegalize()(host_mod)
Expand Down

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