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Add block sparse attention implementations for TileLang and Triton
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- Implement block sparse attention kernels for TileLang and Triton
- Add example scripts for block sparse attention with top-k and threshold-based masking
- Include utility functions for generating sparse attention masks
- Demonstrate causal attention with block-level sparsity
- Add test cases to validate sparse attention implementations against PyTorch reference
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LeiWang1999 committed Feb 22, 2025
1 parent 400dc5e commit cfa7095
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218 changes: 218 additions & 0 deletions examples/blocksparse_attention/
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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
import math
import torch

import tilelang
import tilelang.language as T
import torch.nn.functional as F

def get_sparse_attn_mask_from_topk(x, topk, use_dense_for_last_block=False):
bsz, num_head, downsample_len, _ = x.shape
# N_CTX = downsample_len * BLOCK
sparse_index = torch.topk(x, topk, dim=-1).indices
dense_mask = torch.full([bsz, num_head, downsample_len, downsample_len], False, dtype=torch.bool, device=x.device)
dense_mask.scatter_(-1, sparse_index, True)
if use_dense_for_last_block:
dense_mask[:, :,-2:,:] = True
return dense_mask

def get_sparse_attn_mask_from_threshold(x, threshold, use_dense_for_last_block=False):
dense_mask = x > threshold
if use_dense_for_last_block:
dense_mask[:, :,-2:,:] = True
return dense_mask

def blocksparse_flashattn(batch, heads, seq_len, dim, downsample_len, is_causal):
block_M = 64
block_N = 64
num_stages = 0
threads = 128
scale = (1.0 / dim)**0.5 * 1.44269504 # log2(e)
shape = [batch, heads, seq_len, dim]
block_mask_shape = [batch, heads, downsample_len, downsample_len]

dtype = "float16"
accum_dtype = "float"
block_mask_dtype = "int8"

def kernel_func(block_M, block_N, num_stages, threads):

def MMA0(
K: T.Buffer(shape, dtype),
Q_shared: T.Buffer([block_M, dim], dtype),
K_shared: T.Buffer([block_N, dim], dtype),
acc_s: T.Buffer([block_M, block_N], accum_dtype),
k: T.int32,
bx: T.int32,
by: T.int32,
bz: T.int32,
T.copy(K[bz, by, k * block_N:(k + 1) * block_N, :], K_shared)
if is_causal:
for i, j in T.Parallel(block_M, block_N):
acc_s[i, j] = T.if_then_else(bx * block_M + i >= k * block_N + j, 0,
T.gemm(Q_shared, K_shared, acc_s, transpose_B=True, policy=T.GemmWarpPolicy.FullRow)

def MMA1(
V: T.Buffer(shape, dtype),
V_shared: T.Buffer([block_M, dim], dtype),
acc_s_cast: T.Buffer([block_M, block_N], dtype),
acc_o: T.Buffer([block_M, dim], accum_dtype),
k: T.int32,
by: T.int32,
bz: T.int32,
T.copy(V[bz, by, k * block_N:(k + 1) * block_N, :], V_shared)
T.gemm(acc_s_cast, V_shared, acc_o, policy=T.GemmWarpPolicy.FullRow)

def Softmax(
acc_s: T.Buffer([block_M, block_N], accum_dtype),
acc_s_cast: T.Buffer([block_M, block_N], dtype),
scores_max: T.Buffer([block_M], accum_dtype),
scores_max_prev: T.Buffer([block_M], accum_dtype),
scores_scale: T.Buffer([block_M], accum_dtype),
scores_sum: T.Buffer([block_M], accum_dtype),
logsum: T.Buffer([block_M], accum_dtype),
T.copy(scores_max, scores_max_prev)
T.fill(scores_max, -T.infinity(accum_dtype))
T.reduce_max(acc_s, scores_max, dim=1, clear=False)
# To do causal softmax, we need to set the scores_max to 0 if it is -inf
# This process is called Check_inf in FlashAttention3 code, and it only need to be done
# in the first ceil_div(kBlockM, kBlockN) steps.
# for i in T.Parallel(block_M):
# scores_max[i] = T.if_then_else(scores_max[i] == -T.infinity(accum_dtype), 0, scores_max[i])
for i in T.Parallel(block_M):
scores_scale[i] = T.exp2(scores_max_prev[i] * scale - scores_max[i] * scale)
for i, j in T.Parallel(block_M, block_N):
# Instead of computing exp(x - max), we compute exp2(x * log_2(e) -
# max * log_2(e)) This allows the compiler to use the ffma
# instruction instead of fadd and fmul separately.
acc_s[i, j] = T.exp2(acc_s[i, j] * scale - scores_max[i] * scale)
T.reduce_sum(acc_s, scores_sum, dim=1)
for i in T.Parallel(block_M):
logsum[i] = logsum[i] * scores_scale[i] + scores_sum[i]
T.copy(acc_s, acc_s_cast)

def Rescale(
acc_o: T.Buffer([block_M, dim], accum_dtype),
scores_scale: T.Buffer([block_M], accum_dtype),
for i, j in T.Parallel(block_M, dim):
acc_o[i, j] *= scores_scale[i]

def main(
Q: T.Buffer(shape, dtype),
K: T.Buffer(shape, dtype),
V: T.Buffer(shape, dtype),
BlockSparseMask: T.Buffer(block_mask_shape, block_mask_dtype),
Output: T.Buffer(shape, dtype),
with T.Kernel(
T.ceildiv(seq_len, block_M), heads, batch, threads=threads) as (bx, by, bz):
Q_shared = T.alloc_shared([block_M, dim], dtype)
K_shared = T.alloc_shared([block_N, dim], dtype)
V_shared = T.alloc_shared([block_N, dim], dtype)
O_shared = T.alloc_shared([block_M, dim], dtype)
acc_s = T.alloc_fragment([block_M, block_N], accum_dtype)
acc_s_cast = T.alloc_fragment([block_M, block_N], dtype)
acc_o = T.alloc_fragment([block_M, dim], accum_dtype)
scores_max = T.alloc_fragment([block_M], accum_dtype)
scores_max_prev = T.alloc_fragment([block_M], accum_dtype)
scores_scale = T.alloc_fragment([block_M], accum_dtype)
scores_sum = T.alloc_fragment([block_M], accum_dtype)
logsum = T.alloc_fragment([block_M], accum_dtype)
block_mask = T.alloc_local([downsample_len], block_mask_dtype)

T.copy(Q[bz, by, bx * block_M:(bx + 1) * block_M, :], Q_shared)
T.fill(acc_o, 0)
T.fill(logsum, 0)
T.fill(scores_max, -T.infinity(accum_dtype))

for vj in T.serial(downsample_len):
block_mask[vj] = BlockSparseMask[bz, by, bx, vj]

loop_range = (
T.min(T.ceildiv(seq_len, block_N), T.ceildiv(
(bx + 1) * block_M, block_N)) if is_causal else T.ceildiv(seq_len, block_N))

for k in T.Pipelined(loop_range, num_stages=num_stages):
if block_mask[k] != 0:
MMA0(K, Q_shared, K_shared, acc_s, k, bx, by, bz)
Softmax(acc_s, acc_s_cast, scores_max, scores_max_prev, scores_scale,
scores_sum, logsum)
Rescale(acc_o, scores_scale)
MMA1(V, V_shared, acc_s_cast, acc_o, k, by, bz)
for i, j in T.Parallel(block_M, dim):
acc_o[i, j] /= logsum[i]
T.copy(acc_o, O_shared)
T.copy(O_shared, Output[bz, by, bx * block_M:(bx + 1) * block_M, :])

return main

return kernel_func(block_M, block_N, num_stages, threads)

def test_topk_sparse_attention():
# Config
BATCH, N_HEADS, SEQ_LEN, D_HEAD = 1, 1, 256, 64
TOPK = 2 # Keep top 8 elements per row
BLOCK = 64

# Create inputs
q = torch.randn(BATCH, N_HEADS, SEQ_LEN, D_HEAD, device='cuda', dtype=torch.float16)
k = torch.randn(BATCH, N_HEADS, SEQ_LEN, D_HEAD, device='cuda', dtype=torch.float16)
v = torch.randn(BATCH, N_HEADS, SEQ_LEN, D_HEAD, device='cuda', dtype=torch.float16)

sm_scale = 1.0 / (D_HEAD ** 0.5)

# Create sparse mask (downsampled to block level)
downsample_factor = BLOCK
downsample_len = math.ceil(SEQ_LEN / downsample_factor)
x_ds = torch.randn([BATCH, N_HEADS, downsample_len, downsample_len], device='cuda', dtype=torch.bfloat16)
x_ds[:,:,:,0] = 100
block_mask = get_sparse_attn_mask_from_topk(x_ds, topk=TOPK)

# Run Triton kernel
program = blocksparse_flashattn(BATCH, N_HEADS, SEQ_LEN, D_HEAD, downsample_len, is_causal=True)
kernel = tilelang.compile(program, out_idx=[4])
tilelang_output = kernel(q, k, v, block_mask)

# Compute reference
# Expand block mask to full attention matrix
full_mask = torch.kron(block_mask.float(),
torch.ones(BLOCK, BLOCK, device='cuda'))
full_mask = full_mask[..., :SEQ_LEN, :SEQ_LEN].bool()
full_mask = full_mask & torch.tril(torch.ones_like(full_mask)) # Apply causal

# PyTorch reference implementation
attn = torch.einsum('bhsd,bhtd->bhst', q, k) * sm_scale
attn = attn.masked_fill(~full_mask, float('-inf'))
attn = F.softmax(attn, dim=-1)
ref_output = torch.einsum('bhst,bhtd->bhsd', attn, v)

print("ref_output", ref_output)
print("tilelang_output", tilelang_output)

# Verify accuracy
assert torch.allclose(tilelang_output, ref_output, atol=1e-2, rtol=1e-2), \
"TileLang output doesn't match reference"
print("Pass topk sparse attention test with qlen == klen")

if __name__ == "__main__":

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