An all-in-one phone phreaker tonez player written in C++ for Windows.
PhreakBox is a Windows user interface for playing DTMF, BlueBox, and RedBox phreaker tones. The most important feature is the auto dial function. To auto dial DTMF or MF, simply enter the number you wish to dial and press Dial!
For MF auto dialing, the KP and ST tones are played automagically! Make sure to keep the .wav files in the ./assets/sounds directory.
I had collected quite the sampling of .wav sound files from the old phreaker boxes during my experimentation with Project MF, which is a payphone trunk simulator: I needed a quick way to play the sounds out loud for Project MF, so PhreakBox was born!
I used the Bloodshed Dev-C++ IDE on Windows XP for the programming. This specific IDE does not work well on Windows 10.
shoutz to dr0ptpacket, 0ctothorpe, and the guys @ PLA! Enjoy the soft you phreaks!