NOTE December 20th 2024: Seems like the API this package relies on has been decommissioned. Looking for alternatives. Please post in the issue if you have found one you wish to share. Like all things from the government in Norway, it eventually turns to shit or gets decommissioned. Fuck the government.
In Norway, the food administration (Mattilsynet), makes a rating of restaurants and other dining places based upon how clean the place is, how hygienic the staff is when preparing the food etc. Now you can get this rating directly in Emacs! Simply run the interactive function smilefjes
, and helm will prompt you with everything you need!
Why? I wanted a simple project to use request.el more seriously, and also experiment with the Mattilsynet Smilefjes API. Had done some small experiments with request.el in the past, but nothing with real public APIs. Wanted a simpler project before experimenting with bigger APIs. Thought others might find it fun or useful(?????) to check these details in Emacs as well. Can probably be prettyfied a lot, as it’s VERY hacked together quickly to experiment with these APIs.
smilefjes currently depends on the following packages:
- helm
- dash
- request.el
- ht.el
- (optional) emojify-mode
The easiest way is to install through [Melpa]( Using package-install, you can do it like this interactively:
M-x package-install RET smilefjes
Or in your config file:
(package-install 'smilefjes)
The package can also be installed and configured using use-package: (use-package smilefjes)
(add the :load-path
option to install it from local source).
Clone this repo locally, add the path to the load path and require smilefjes:
(add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/smilefjes")
(require 'smilefjes)
To use, simply run M-x smilefjes, and you will be prompted for the necessary information :)