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TheBadge - SDK

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Develop the sdk

  • Run lint checker:
yarn lint
  • Run tests:
yarn test
  • Build sdk:
yarn build

Setup on your project

  1. Install the sdk:
npm install @thebadge/sdk


yarn add @thebadge/sdk
  1. Initialize sdk instance:
const sdkInstance = new TheBadgeSDK(
  // check if your chain id is supported with TheBadgeSDK.isChainSupported(chainId)
  chainId, // chain id numeric value 
  // configuration object
    // read only provider
    rpcProviderConfig: {
      // your desired provider: 'infura' or 'alchemy'
      name: 'infura',
      // your infura/alchemy apiKey
      apiKey: '00000000000000', 
    // OPTIONAL: web3Provider instance, needed for write methods e.g. mint badge
    // OPTIONAL: use dev mode (relevant only on testnets where qa env is default), 
    // default value: false
    devMode: true,  

Supported chains

Get the list of supported chain ids:


Check if a chain is supported:

// chainId is a number, for example: 1, 5, etc

Sources of information