This is a continuation of yesterday's challenge, which was to deploy Django to K8s. I'm starting with a dockerized version of Django. Now I need to write the Kubernetes resource files.
To run locally, copy example.env
to .env
and make any changes you deem
necessary. Next, run docker-compose up
. You should have your very own Django
running on
In order to deploy to Kubernetes, I need to store my image in a Docker registry somewhere. I chose a Docker Hub repo.
To build and push to Docker hub, I ran the following commands.
$ docker login
$ docker build -t textninja/hellodjango .
$ docker push textninja/hellodjango
To deploy to Kubernetes, follow the instructions in the deployment folder.
- I need to create django locally
- I then need to dockerize it and push to an image registry
- I'll use kustomize to override the settings file