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Semi-adaptive seismic isolation control framework for LIGO


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Semi-adaptive seismic isolation control framework for LIGO

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Seibot is a Python package that defines a real-time optimal control filter selection framework, i.e. semi-adaptive control, for seismic isolation systems at LIGO. In a nutshell, Seibot does the followings

  1. Fetch real-time seismic and isolation system data using CDSutils.
  2. Model seismic noises, sensor noises, and system dynamics.
  3. Compile all available sensor correction and sensor fusion complementary filters, i.e. blends, from Foton.
  4. Predict the all possible real-time seismic isolation performances using all combinations of sensor correction and blends.
  5. Select the best combination of filters base on some optimal criteria.
  6. Inform the best filters by outputing a configuration file.

These functionalities are supported by the main classes of seibot, namely

  1. seibot.Data
  2. seibot.Filter
  3. seibot.IsolationSystem
  4. seibot.Evaluate
  5. seibot.Seibot

The seibot.Data class interfaces the CDS environment and local database to obtain estimates or models of seismic noise, sensor noises, and plant models using real-time signals. These information can be used to initialize seibot.Sensor and seibot.Process instances. These are attributes of a seibot.IsolationSystem instance defining an isolation system's dynamics and hardware capabilities.

A seibot.FilterConfigurations instance is initialized with three seibot.FilterPool instances, corresponding to the pools of sensor correction filters, complementary low-pass filters, and complementary high-pass filters, which are seibot.Filter instances that has attributes identifying their whereabouts in a Foton file.

The seibot.IsolationSystem can be installed with filter configurations, by calling seibot.FilterConfigurations(i, j), which fully defines the active isolation performance of the system. The seibot.IsolationSystem.get_displacement() method can then be called to obtain an estimate of the amplitude spectral density of the isolation platform given an amplitude spectral density of the seismic noise.

The seibot.Evaluate class is initialized with a pair of seibot.IsolationSystem and seibot.FilterConfigurations instances. And it contains internal methods that automatically select the best filter configurations at the real-time seismic condition according to some pre-defined criteria.

Finally, the seibot.Seibot is a high-level class that wraps around all the above basic functionalities and makes seibot extremely easy to use. The seibot.Seibot is initialized by a Seibot configuration, and the best filters can be obtained by the method seibot.Seibot.get_best_filters(). Alternatively, seibot.Seibot.export_best_filters() exports an Seibot output file that and external program, such as Guardian, can parse and make real-time changes to achieve semi-adaptive seismic isolation control.

To setup seibot properly, be sure to check out the Step-by-step tutorial and the Usage sections.


Create conda environment and install dependencies

conda create -n [environment] -c conda-forge python=3.9 cdsutils control numpy
matplotlib python-foton scipy

Only python<=3.9 works for now due to LIGO dependencies.

Install seibot

Clone repository

git clone

Change directory

cd seibot

Install using pip

pip install .

Step-by-step tutorial

Install Seibot

Follow Installation on how to install Seibot in a conda environment.

Set up configuration files.

config, filter config, model parameters.


Command line

Get sample configuration files.

seibot --get-seibot-config -p [path]

Get filter configuration files.

seibot --get-filter-config -p [path]

Get model parameters.

seibot --get-model-parameters -p [path]

Run Seibot.

seibot --config [config]

This outputs a configuration file that states the best seismic isolation configuration. See Seibot output file.

Python scripting

High-level usage


seibot.Seibot is the main class interfacing the lower-level submodules that interface the data and configuration files, produce real-time estimation of isolation performances and inform optimal filter selections.

Construct a Seibot instance:

import seibot

config = ...
ham8_seibot = seibot.Seibot(config)

This initiates a Seibot instance that contains attributes that parse the config compile necessary information for real-time estimation.

The simplest usage is the get_best_filters() method

best_filters = ham8_seibot.get_best_filters()

This returns a dictionary with in the form

"sensor correction filter": ...,
"low pass filter": ...,
"high pass filter": ...

where ... are seibot.Filter instances. The filters are seibot.Filter instances that contain the information of the filters. See seibot.Filter.

To export the information for further usages, use the method export_best_filter(path).

path = ...

This exports the filters information to a configuration file. See Seibot output file

Intermediate-level usage


An IsolationSystem is initialized with 5 arguments relative_sensor, inertial_sensor, seisometer, plant, transmissivity, and controller which are seibot.Sensor and seibot.Process instances. See seibot.Sensor and seibot.Process. These characterizes the hardware capability of the isolation system.

import seibot

relative_sensor = seibot.Sensor(f, relative_sensor_noise)
transmissivity = seibot.Process(tf_transmissivity)

ham8 = seibot.IsolationSystem(relative_sensor, inertial_sensor, seismometer...)

An alternative way to obtain an IsolationSystem instance is via the Seibot.get_isolation_system() method.

import seibot

config = ...
ham8_seibot = seibot.Seibot(config)

ham8 = ham8_seibot.get_isolation_system()

The IsolationSystem can be installed with sensor correction filters and complementary filters (blends).

sensor_correction_filter = ...
low_pass_filter = ...
high_pass_filter = ...

ham8.sensor_correction_filter = sensor_correction_filter
ham8.low_pass_filter = low_pass_filter
ham8.high_pass_filter = high_pass_filter

Alternatively, install a filter configuration.

sensor_correction_filter = seibot.Filter(...)
low_pass_filter = seibot.Filter(...)
high_pass_filter = seibot.Filter(...)

filter_configuration = {
	"sensor correction filter": ...,
	"low pass filter": ...,
	"high_pass_filter": ...

ham8.filter_configuration = filter_configuration

With the filters installed, the closed-loop displacement can be obtained:

f = ...  # Frequency array
seismic_noise = ...

displacement = ham8.get_displacement(f, seismic_noise)


seibot.Evaluate instances contain internal methods to evaluate filter configurations using different criteria. A seibot.Evaluate instance is initiated by an IsolationSystem (See seibot.IsolationSystem) and a FilterConfigurations instances (see seibot.FilterConfigurations).

import seibot

seismic_noise = ...
ham8 = seibot.IsolationSystem(...)
filter_configurations = siebot.FilterConfigurations(...)

evalutate = seibot.Evaluate(ham8, filter_configurations, seismic noise)

The internal methods each iterates through all possible filter configurations for the specified isolation system and returns the best filter configuration for the given seismic condition. For example, the rms_displacement() method gives the best set of sensor correction and complementary filters that gives the least isolation platform RMS displacement.

best_filters = evaluate.rms_displacement()

Low-level usage

seibot.filter module

seibot.filter module contain classes Filter, FilterPool, and FilterConfiguration.

The seibot.filter.Filter class inherits control.TransferFunction class and has additional attributes filter_file, module and fm that identify the origin of the filter in Foton. To construct a seibot.filter.Filter instance:

import control

import seibot.filter

tf =

filter = seibot.filter.Filter(tf)

Access filter information


The seibot.filter.FilterPool class inherits the list class and is a list of seibot.filter.Filter instances. This class is used to construct a pool of filters for sensor correction and complementary filters. To construct a seibot.filter.FilterPool instance, use a Filter pool configuration.

filter_config = ...

filter_pool = seibot.filter.FilterPool(filter_config)

Some filter contains compensation filters that inverse the responses of the sensors. To get rid of them, specify an inverse_filter.

inverse_filter = ...

filter_pool = seibot.filter.FilterPool(filter_config, inverse_filter)

Preset inverse_filter can be found as methods in seibot.filter.InverseFilters.


Then, simply use it as a list instance. For example,

best_filter = filter_pool[1]

fm =

The seibot.filter.FilterConfigurations class is a function class for all available filter configurations of sensor correction and complementary filters. It can be constructed using a pool of sensor correction filters, a pool of low-pass filters, and a pool of high-pass filters. Alternatively, it can be constructed using the paths of the filter configuration files.

# Paths of the configuration files.
sc_config = ...
lp_config = ...
hp_config = ...

# Sensor correction and complementary filter pools.
sc_pool = seibot.filter.FilterPool(sc_config)
lp_pool = ...
hp_pool = ...

filter_config = seibot.filter.FilterConfigurations(sc_pool, lp_pool, hp_pool)


filter_config = seibot.filter.FilterConfigurations(
	sc_config=sc_config, lp_config=lp_config, hp_config=hp_config)

or in any combination

filter_config = seibot.filter.FilterConfigurations(
	sc_pool, lp_config=lp_config, hp_pool=hp_pool)

The seibot.filter.FilterConfigurations is a callable with 2 integer parameters, indicating the index of the sensor correction filters and the index of the complementary filters. It returns a configuration in the form of (sensor_correction, (low_pass_filter, high_pass_filter)).

sc, (lp, hp) = filter_config(1, 2)







seibot.IsolationSystem is a class that defines an isolation platform, such as the LIGO HAM-ISI.

Configuration files

Seibot configuration

Here is an example configuration file.

seismometer = L1:ISI-GND_STS_HAM8_Y_DQ
seismometer_coh = L1:ISI-GND_STS_ITMY_Y_DQ

duration = 4096
start = 1399680018

nperseg = 524288
fs = 512

model = second_order_plant
parameters_path = ../model_parameters/seismic.txt
dynamic = False

model = noise2
parameters_path = ../model_parameters/sts.txt
dynamic = False

[Inertial sensor]
model = noise2
parameters_path = ../model_parameters/gs13.txt
dynamic = False

[Relative sensor]
model = noise2
parameters_path = ../model_parameters/cps.txt
dynamic = False

model = second_order_plant
parameters_path = ../model_parameters/plant.txt
dynamic = False

model = second_order_plant
parameters_path = ../model_parameters/transmissivity.txt
dynamic = False

filter_file = ../foton_files/L1ISIHAM8.txt
module = HAM8_ISO_Y
fm = 4, 8

[Sensor correction filters]
config = ../config/sesnor_correction_filters.ini
inverse_filter = sts

[Low pass filters]
config = ../config/low_pass_filters.ini

[High pass filters]
config = ../config/high_pass_filters.ini
inverse_filter = gs13

criterion = min_rms_displacement

The seibot configuration file contains 4 groups of sections. The first group contains sections [Channels], [CDSutils], and [Welch]. The second group contain sections [Seismic], [Seismometer], [Inertial sensor], [Relative sensor], [Plant], [Transmissivity], [Controller]. The third group contains sections [Sensor correction filters], [Low pass filters], and [High pass filters]. The fourth group contains sections [Evaluate].

[Channels] section

  • seismometer: The channel name of the sensor correction seismometer. Readout should be raw in velocity. The seismic noise and seismometer noise are estimated using this readout.
  • seismometer_coh: The channel name of a seismometer reading a coherent ground motion to the sensor correction seisometer. This is used to determine the frequency at which the seismometer readout is dominated by noise/signal.

[CDSutils] section

  • duration: Duration of data in the past to be taken (seconds).
  • start: The start time of the data segment (GPS time). This is optional. Remove this option will default to start now.

[Welch] section

  • nperseg: Number of data per segment used in Welch.
  • fs: Sampling frequency.

[Seismic], [Seismometer], [Inertial sensor], [Relative sensor], [Plant], [Transmissivity] sections:

  • model: Empirical/transfer function model selected from seibot.model.
  • parameters_path: Path of the model parameter file.
  • dynamic: Dynamically modelling. If true, parameters are not used and modeling using internal method.

[Controller] setion:

  • filter_file: The path of the foton file
  • module: The foton module that the controller is in.
  • fm: The list of engaged FMs for the controllers.

[Sensor correction filters], [Low pass filters], [High pass filters] sections:

  • config: The path of the filter pool configuration file.
  • inverse_filter: Optional. The inverse filter to be applied.

The [Evaluation] section has one variable.

  • criterion: The filter selection criterion. Available options: min_rms_displacement.

Filter pool configuration

Shown below is an example of a configuration file defining the pool of sensor correction filters. The filter pool contains 9 sensor correction filters named [low_low], [low_mid]...

filter_file = ../foton_files/L1ISIHAM8.txt
fm = 1, 10

filter_file = ../foton_files/L1ISIHAM8.txt
fm = 2, 10

filter_file = ../foton_files/L1ISIHAM8.txt
fm = 3, 10

filter_file = ../foton_files/L1ISIHAM8.txt
fm = 4, 10

filter_file = ../foton_files/L1ISIHAM8.txt
fm = 5, 10

filter_file = ../foton_files/L1ISIHAM8.txt
fm = 6, 10

filter_file = ../foton_files/L1ISIHAM8.txt
fm = 7, 10

filter_file = ../foton_files/L1ISIHAM8.txt
fm = 8, 10

filter_file = ../foton_files/L1ISIHAM8.txt
fm = 9, 10

Each section in the configuration file correspond to one filter. The section name, e.g. [low_low], is just a label and is not referenced.

Each section contains 3 variables:

  • filter_file: The path of the foton filter file.
  • module: The filter module name.
  • fm: The engaged FMs. Comma separated.

Model parameters configuration

The model parameter files are simple text files with model parameters listed out space separated.

This is an example of a parameter file specifying 4 parameters for seibot.model.Model.noise2().

5.6234133e-11 1.3182567e-10 0.74 0

Seibot output file

Seibot evaluates the isolation performance and inform the users the best filter configurations using a configuration file as follows.

[Sensor correction filter]
filter_file = /opt/rtcds/chans/llo/L1ISIHAM8.txt
fm = 1

[Low pass filter]
filter_file = /opt/rtcds/chans/llo/L1ISIHAM8.txt
fm = 1

[High pass filter]
filter_file = /opt/rtcds/chans/llo/L1ISIHAM8.txt
fm = 1, 10

This configuration file is the output of Seibot and is meant to be further further inferface with the Guardian state machine or other programs that enact these changes.

Repository structure

  • data: Fetch and process timeseries data from CDS.
  • model: Frequency domain modeling tools for dynamic noise modeling.
  • foton: Foton wrapper to access real-time filter modules.
  • forecast: Real-time forecast platform motion.
  • filter: Interface with filter pool configuration files and construct filter pools.
  • isolation_system: Isolation system class with defined sensor performances .
  • evaluate: Evaluate isolation system performances.
  • seibot: Interface main configuration file and integrate submodules and obtain best real-time isolation configuration.

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Semi-adaptive seismic isolation control framework for LIGO







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