├── SSN_RL # Core Python Library
│ ├── agent # - Agent classes, algorithms, functions
│ ├── debug # - Logger for debugging and counting events
│ ├── environment # - Environment classes: Satellite, Sensors, etc.
│ ├── scenarioBuilder # - Functions and classes for building scenarios
│ └── utils # - Misc utilities
├── data #
│ └── geo_catalog_14Nov2024.txt # GEO Catalog from 11/14/2024
└── scripts # Test, Training, Plotting, Drafting
├── drafts #
├── experiments # All Experiments
│ ├── DQN # - DQN training and testing scripts
│ ├── Heuristic # - Heuristic algorithm testing script
│ ├── Linear # - Linear Q-Learning training and testing scripts
│ ├── QLearning # - Q-Table training and testing scripts
│ ├── QTable # - Q-Table first draft
│ └── plots # - Plot generation and test results
└── tests # Tests for Environment
- create conda environment with micromamba
micromamba create -n 184-final-project-rl -c conda-forge -y python=3.10
it used to be
micromamba create -n 184-final-project -c conda-forge -y python=3.12.4
- activate environment
micromamba activate 184-final-project-rl
Note: sometimes I need to run the following command prior to reactivating
eval "$(micromamba shell hook --shell zsh)"
- install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run files from here (.)
python -m scripts.experiments.(Algorithm).(file_name)
python -m scripts.tests.basic-maneuver-sim
python -m scripts.tests.optical-sensing-test
python -m scripts.experiments.DQN.toy1-dqn-train
python -m scripts.drafts.driver1
python -m scripts.drafts.driver2
- load states from file or string
- have ground observer
- compute visibility from ground to satellite
- do propagation to create ephemerides
- convert states to pos/vel
- make modifications to states after loading (maneuver simulation)
- GEO visibility opportunity plot
- Impulsive maneuver simulation
- Covariance growth plot simulation