Template for a Ph.D. thesis at the University of Michigan. The template is based on the Komascript scrbook
class and is intended to be a modern, lightweight, and customizable alternative to the different rac.sty
-based classes (the original rac.sty
was created in 1988!). Example of complete thesis: https://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/handle/2027.42/140897.
- Follows Rackham requirements
- List of acronyms (
package) - List of appendices
- Clutter-free main files
- Easy font selection
The recommended tex environment is TexLive. If you don't have the full installation, some packages might have to be installed manually to compile the template:
tlmgr install xelatex xstring todonotes bezos chngcntr xpatch doublestroke glossaries mfirstuc xfor biblatex tikz pgfplots unicode-math
The template can be compiled with latexmk using settings defined in latexmkrc
. The default compiler is xelatex
(to use pdflatex
the fontspec
package must be removed in preamble.tex
latexmk um-thesis.tex
Alternatively, use an environment like Sublime Text + LatexTools that relies on latexmk
for compilation.
The template works in Overleaf as of November 2018; just set the compiler to XeLaTeX
in the project settings (or remove the fontspec
package and use the default compiler pdfLaTeX
). I don't know how tikzexternalize
is handled in these environments, so the \tikzexternalize[prefix=figures_compiled/]
command in preamble.tex
should probably be left disabled. Custom fonts will also have to be uploaded to overleaf.
The Koma-Script Bundle is highly customizable, see the Koma-Script guide for detailed descriptions.
Fonts are handled with fontspec/unicode-math
and the \setmainfont{}
and \setmathfont{}
commands. For finer control, use the \setkomafont{element}
commands (for a full list of customizable elements, see Chapter 3.6 of the Koma-Script guide). Suggested font collections:
- Libertinus: https://github.com/libertinus-fonts/libertinus
- XITS family (no sans): https://github.com/alif-type/xits
- Linux Libertine/Linux Biolinum (no math)
- Minion Pro/Myriad Pro/Minion math (non-free)
The title page template is taken from the thesis-umich.cls derivation of rac.sty