Developed for Project 5 of the Udacity Front-End Web Developer Nanodegree by Sanjeev Veloo.
This is an interactive map of the most popular Cheap Eat restaurants (Under $20 bucks) in the Melbourne city area. It pulls in restaurant reviews from Yelp. These reviews are display in a Google Map infowindow which are accessed by clicking on the restaurants in the list or the corresponding markers on the map. The restaurants can also be filtered by their cuisine. Pretty cool app, especially if you're on a budget and still looking for great food!
- Fork the repo. It has everything you need.
- Open index.html in your browser or phone and you're good to go.
- Let's eat!
- Click on any marker to view information about the restaurant.
- Click on the mobile menu icon to dropdown the controls menu.
- In the menu you can filter the restaurant list by cuisine from the select list.
- And by clicking the restaurant name you can view more information on the restaurant too.
- Lastly, you can hide or show the markers as well.
Add additional notes about how to deploy this on a live system
- Google Maps API - The Map system
- KnockoutJS - The JavaScript library used for dynamically updating the DOM. Built with an MVVM model.
- Yelp API 2.0 - Yelp API for restaurant reviews
- OAuth 2.0 - For authentication with the Yelp API
- jQuery - For stuff like Ajax
- Bootstrap 4 - The web framework
- Snazzy Maps - Google Map theme
- Sanjeev Veloo
- Google Maps documentation
- Yelp API documentation
- KnockoutJS documentation
- Oauth Documentation
- Bootstrap Documentation
- Stack Oveflow
- Udacity Forums
- Udacity Coach One on One Sessions