A simple bash script that creates and compiles and runs a java project from the cli, if you don't want to use maven or Gradle or an IDE.
- Usage:
~ ❱ ./java-project help
Usage: ./java-project [create|add|remove|compile|build|run|clean|help]
create NAME Create a new Java project with the given name
add CLASS Add a new class to the current project
remove CLASS Remove a class from the current project
add-resource FILE|DIR Add a file or directory to the project resources
compile Compile the current project
build Build the current project JAR file
run Run the compiled project
clean Clean the project by removing compiled files and JAR
help Display this help message
You can use the script as is or make it system-wide by doing the following:
Place it in /usr/local/bin/ (recommended) or ~/.local/bin/
Make it executable:
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/java-project
Ensure the directory is in your PATH:
If using ~/.local/bin/, add this to ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc:
export PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH"
- Then run:
source ~/.bashrc # or source ~/.zshrc