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sujitsilas authored Jan 27, 2025
1 parent 4014a1d commit f2dd22d
Showing 1 changed file with 159 additions and 0 deletions.
159 changes: 159 additions & 0 deletions hoffman2_helper.html
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
<div class="max-w-4xl mx-auto bg-white rounded-xl shadow-md overflow-hidden">
<div class="p-8">
<h1 class="text-3xl font-bold mb-6">Hoffman2 nfCore RNA-seq Bash Script Generator</h1>

<div id="login" class="tab-content active">
<h2 class="text-2xl font-semibold mb-4">Login to Hoffman2</h2>
<div class="bg-gray-100 p-4 rounded">
<code>ssh [email protected]</code>
<p>Replace 'your_username' with your actual Hoffman2 username.</p>

<div id="samplesheet" class="tab-content">
<h2 class="text-2xl font-semibold mb-4">Create Sample Sheet</h2>

<div class="space-y-4">
<p class="mb-4">Create a CSV file with the following columns:</p>
<ul class="list-disc pl-6 mb-4">
<li><strong>sample</strong>: Unique sample identifier</li>
<li><strong>fastq_1</strong>: Path to first FASTQ file</li>
<li><strong>fastq_2</strong>: Path to second FASTQ file (for paired-end data)</li>
<li><strong>strandedness</strong>: RNA-seq strandedness (auto/forward/reverse/unstranded)</li>

<div class="mb-6">
<h3 class="text-xl font-semibold mb-2">Example sample sheet:</h3>
<pre class="bg-gray-100 p-4 rounded whitespace-pre-wrap">sample,fastq_1,fastq_2,strandedness

<div class="bg-blue-50 p-4 rounded">
<h4 class="font-semibold mb-2">Tips:</h4>
<ul class="list-disc pl-6">
<li>Save the file with a .csv extension</li>
<li>Use full paths to FASTQ files</li>
<li>Ensure all FASTQ files are accessible on Hoffman2</li>
<li>If unsure about strandedness, use 'auto'</li>
<li>Double-check that there are no spaces after commas</li>

<div id="bashscript" class="tab-content">
<h2 class="text-2xl font-semibold mb-4">Generate Bash Script</h2>

<div class="space-y-4">
<label>Job Name:</label>
<input type="text" id="jobName" class="border rounded p-2 w-full" placeholder="nfCore_RNAseq_job">

<label>Working Directory:</label>
<input type="text" id="workDir" class="border rounded p-2 w-full" placeholder="/u/scratch/$USER/your_project_dir">

<label>Runtime (HH:MM:SS):</label>
<input type="text" id="runtime" class="border rounded p-2 w-full" value="24:00:00">

<label>Memory (e.g., 15G):</label>
<input type="text" id="memory" class="border rounded p-2 w-full" value="15G">

<input type="email" id="email" class="border rounded p-2 w-full">

<label>Sample Sheet Path:</label>
<input type="text" id="sampleSheet" class="border rounded p-2 w-full" placeholder="path/to/samplesheet.csv">

<label>Custom Genome FASTA:</label>
<input type="text" id="genomeFasta" class="border rounded p-2 w-full" placeholder="path/to/genome.fa">

<label>Custom GTF File:</label>
<input type="text" id="gtfFile" class="border rounded p-2 w-full" placeholder="path/to/annotation.gtf">

<select id="aligner" class="border rounded p-2">
<option value="star_salmon">STAR + Salmon</option>
<option value="star_rsem">STAR + RSEM</option>
<option value="hisat2">HISAT2</option>

<button onclick="generateScript()" class="bg-blue-500 text-white px-4 py-2 rounded">Generate Script</button>

<div class="mt-6">
<h3 class="text-xl font-semibold mb-2">Bash Script:</h3>
<pre id="scriptOutput" class="bg-gray-100 p-4 rounded whitespace-pre-wrap"></pre>

function generateScript() {
const jobName = document.getElementById('jobName').value;
const workDir = document.getElementById('workDir').value;
const runtime = document.getElementById('runtime').value;
const memory = document.getElementById('memory').value;
const email = document.getElementById('email').value;
const sampleSheet = document.getElementById('sampleSheet').value;
const genomeFasta = document.getElementById('genomeFasta').value;
const gtfFile = document.getElementById('gtfFile').value;
const aligner = document.getElementById('aligner').value;
const script = `#!/bin/bash
#$ -o ${workDir}/joblog.${jobName}
#$ -j y
#$ -l h_rt=${runtime},h_data=${memory}
#$ -pe shared 12
#$ -M ${email}
#$ -m bea
# Source system-wide bashrc
. /etc/bashrc
# Source user's local bash configuration
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
. ~/.bashrc
# Load required modules
module load python/3.9.6
module load singularity/3.8.5
module load java/jdk-17.0.12
module load java/jdk-11.0.14
# Move into working directory
cd ${workDir}
# Define variables
# Run Nextflow pipeline
nextflow run nf-core/rnaseq --input $SAMPLESHEET --fasta $GENOME --gtf $GTF -profile singularity --aligner ${aligner} --outdir $OUTPUTDIR`

document.getElementById('scriptOutput').textContent = script;

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