Android app wirtten using Flutter.
It is a simple Blood Pressure Logging Application.
Developed using Android Studio.
This is my first Flutter app. I have written some Dart in the past but that was some time ago replacing some Java Script in the browser.
Comments and feedback are always welcome.
The app records Date Time, Systolic, Diastolic and Pulse.
It stores the data in a JSON file:
"name": "Fred",
"data": [
"i": 1597654200000,
"h": 0,
"s": 147,
"d": 89,
"p": 63
"i": 1597613400000,
"h": 1,
"s": 178,
"d": 88,
"p": 67
The 'i' is a timestamp (number of millis since the epoch)
The 'h' field enables entries to be hidden (1=true 0=false) . There is currently no delete function.
's' is systolic, 'd' is diastolic and 'p' is pulse.
The sparce naming is a space consideration. When there are lots of readings it makes it hard to copy/paste in the maintenance section.
Things still to do:
There are currently 5 graphs but only one is displayed at the moment.
Should add persistent config settings to hide/show graph options!
Currently you can take a snapshot and store it in a Backup file.
You can export the Backup file OR the Primary file to the clipboard as JSON.
You can paste raw JSON in to a text field and import that as data.
This currently allows me to export my data, paset it into and email and send it to myself as a perminent backup.
I can then update the data, delete, ammend etc using an editor on my PC, email it back to my phone and import it as above.
It is all a bit crude at the moment. A better export/import solution is needed.
This is not a main issue for me. I wrote it for me and I can load it on my phone. Job done.
At some point this will be covered, I need to know how it is done so this will be a good way to learn.