Telegram bot to fetch coin price data from crypto exchanges
Written on python
Tested OS: Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
In commandline, run:
curl -L | bash
Go to /usr/local/bin/bot-service/elyabot/config.ini
and put your bot's token at token=
screen -S bot -d -m /usr/local/bin/bot-service/
crontab -e
then add line:
@reboot ( sleep 90 ; screen -S bot -d -m /usr/local/bin/bot-service/ )
or, in commandline:
echo @reboot ( sleep 90 ; screen -S bot -d -m /usr/local/bin/bot-service/ ) > crontab-fragment.txt
crontab -l | cat - crontab-fragment.txt >crontab.txt && crontab crontab.txt
to attach to the session:
screen -x bot
to detach: press Ctrl-A D
to stop the bot: either
pkill screen
screen -XS bot quit
Log file is located at
you can monitor the output with
tail -f /usr/local/bin/bot-service/elyabot/bot-service.log
or (better)
curl -L | bash
OR you can update the bot with Telegram command /update for this to work, make sure that the user you are running the bot with does have permissions to run sudo commands without password prompt! How to enable this:
sudo adduser <username> sudo
sudo visudo
In the editor, append following line
And save your changes
price - Get current ELYA/BTC prices