Poller is now fetching blocks in an optimized way, it will fetch several blocks at once and then process them.
Poller is now handling skipped blocks, it will fetch the next blocks until it find a none skipped block.
Poller now has default retry value of infinite.
Compare tool is now using dynamic protobuf unmarshaler, it will be able to compare any block type.
Print tool is now using dynamic protobuf unmarshaler, it will be able to print any block type.
Print tool is encoding bytes in base64 by default, it can be changed to hex or base58 by using parameter
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Added 'x-trace-id' header to auth requests when using --common-auth-plugin=grpc
Fixed Substreams scheduler sometimes taking a long time to spawn more than a single worker.
Added ACCEPT_SOLANA_LEGACY_BLOCK_FORMAT env var to allow special tweak operations