A PowerShell module for simply creating a various servers or apps in a docker containers
This is still a work in progress, however the various functions shall be working
The API might still be changing
- Add prefix to all functions
- Add help strings to all functions
- Extract some common functionality (e.g. confirmation messages, status checks, ...)
- Add more management functions for bulk actions (stop/start all, etc.)
- Generate documentation (probably leverage platyPS)
- More general polish (e.g. typos, common messages to be similar, naming to be similar, etc.)
- Properly fill manifest file
- Publish to PSGallery
- Improve installation instructions (shall be solved by PS Gallery)
- Add more customization options with sane defaults (e.g. custom ports, custom network, ...)
- Write Pester tests
You can find this module on powershell gallery
Install-Module -Name SimpleDockerApps
For full documentation please see docs
- MS SQL - Docker HUB page
- Postgres - Docker HUB page
- Mariadb - Docker HUB page
- OracleDb - (Unfortunately this requires local built image due to Oracles inability to provide one)
- Instructions for building an image are in oracle/docker-images repo
- Oracle really missed a train here, it is not a simple task to get it running in docker
- It can be built only in linux as they provide only shell scripts (/sight)
- I might still have somewhere powershell scripts for building oracle, but no plans to provide them right now
- Seriously, just ditch this mess of a database for something more sane, like MSSQL or PostgreSQL
- Mongodb - Docker HUB page
- Redis - Docker HUB page
- Cassandra - Docker HUB page
- Ravendb - Docker HUB page
- Clickhouse - Docker HUB page
- Dremio - Docker HUB page
- Dynamodb - Docker HUB page
- Elasticsearch - Docker HUB page
- Solr - Docker HUB page
- Neo4j - Docker HUB page
- OrientDB - Docker HUB page
- ArangoDB - Docker HUB page
- RethinkDB - Docker HUB page
- Presto - Docker HUB page
- ScyllaDB - Docker HUB page
- Firebird - Docker HUB page
- Vertica - Docker HUB page
- Crate - Docker HUB page
- Portainer - Docker HUB page
- elasticsearch - fix cli connect command
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