Introduction to p5js
A growing collection of examples used to demonstrate basic concepts of creative coding on the modern web, focusing on algorithmic thinking, data manipulation and computer vision
- clone or download this repository
- download Sublime Text
- open sublime text, go to
tools/command palette
- find
Package Control: Install Package
- find
, click to install - restart Sublime Text
- open the downloaded repository folder, so you see all the files on the left bar
- under tools/sublime server, press
start sublime server
- open a browser, and type in the address bar
(8000 is the default port number) - you can browse within the example code now
- if you edit your code, always save before checking it in the browser
- introduction to the environment, mostly based on this and corresponding tutorials
- computational thinking, working with algorithms and conditionals
- working with data: realtime, recorded (CSV), and API calls
- examples, using different js based vision frameworks
- these are some modified versions of Kyle McDonald's javascript-computervision collection
- also, including handy machine learning code from ml5js
- examples, related to different usage areas (deploying, platform specific stuff, etc)
- Javascript libraries, dependencies of the examples we are working with
Designing Programs by Mark Webster
Generative Design by Benedikt Groß
Getting Started with p5.js by Lauren McCarthy
Computational Drawing Book by Carl Lostritto
Generative Art by Matt Pearson
The Coding Train videos with Daniel Shiffman
Generative Artistry — Tutorials & Podcast
Anders Hoff — Writing on Generative Art
Tyler Hobbs — Writing on Generative Art
Matt Deslauriers — Writing on Creative Coding & Generative Art
🔥awesome-creative-coding — A large list of resources
(c) 2019 Agoston Nagy / gpl v3