A small no-dependency Python package for STAC, using Rust under the hood.
Q: We already have PySTAC, so why did we make a new STAC Python library?
A: We want to provide a couple of things in stac-rs (a collection of STAC Rust libraries) to the Python ecosystem:
- Read, write, and search stac-geoparquet
If you don't need those things, stacrs probably isn't for you — use pystac and its friend, pystac-client, instead.
Install via pip:
# basic
python -m pip install stacrs
# add methods to return arrow tables
python -m pip install 'stacrs[arrow]'
Or via conda:
conda install conda-forge::stacrs
import stacrs
# Search a STAC API
items = await stacrs.search(
intersects={"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-105.119, 40.173]},
# If you installed with `pystac[arrow]`:
from geopandas import GeoDataFrame
table = await stacrs.search_to_arrow(...)
data_frame = GeoDataFrame.from_arrow(table)
# Write items to a stac-geoparquet file
await stacrs.write("items.parquet", items)
# Read items from a stac-geoparquet file as an item collection
item_collection = await stacrs.read("items.parquet")
# You can search geoparquet files using DuckDB
# If you want to search a file on s3, make sure to configure your AWS environment first
item_collection = await stacrs.search("s3://bucket/items.parquet", ...)
# Use `search_to` for better performance if you know you'll be writing the items
# to a file
await stacrs.search_to(
intersects={"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-105.119, 40.173]},
See the documentation for details. In particular, our example notebook demonstrates some of the more interesting features.
stacrs comes with a CLI:
$ stacrs -h
stacrs: A command-line interface for the SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog (STAC)
Usage: stacrs [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>
translate Translates STAC from one format to another
search Searches a STAC API or stac-geoparquet file
serve Serves a STAC API
validate Validates a STAC value
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-i, --input-format <INPUT_FORMAT>
The input format.
--opt <OPTIONS>
Options for getting and putting files from object storage.
-o, --output-format <OUTPUT_FORMAT>
The output format.
-c, --compact-json <COMPACT_JSON>
Whether to print compact JSON output [possible values: true, false]
--parquet-compression <PARQUET_COMPRESSION>
The parquet compression to use when writing stac-geoparquet.
-h, --help
Print help (see more with '--help')
Before stacrs v0.5.4, the CLI was its own PyPI package named stacrs-cli, which is no longer needed.
This package (intentionally) has limited functionality, as it is not intended to be a replacement for existing Python STAC packages.
pystac is a mature Python library with a significantly richer API for working with STAC objects.
For querying STAC APIs, pystac-client is more feature-rich than our simplistic stacrs.search
That being said, it is hoped that stacrs will be a nice complement to the existing Python STAC ecosystem by providing a no-dependency package with unique capabilities, such as searching directly into a stac-geoparquet file.
stacrs also replicates much of the behavior in the stac-geoparquet library, and even uses some of the same Rust dependencies. We believe there are a couple of issues with stac-geoparquet that make stacrs a worthy replacement:
- The stac-geoparquet repo includes Python dependencies
- It doesn't have a nice one-shot API for reading and writing
- It includes some leftover code and logic from its genesis as a tool for the Microsoft Planetary Computer
We test to ensure compatibility between the two libraries, and we intend to consolidate to a single "stac-geoparquet" library at some point in the future.
Get Rust, uv, and libduckdb (for more on setting up libduckdb, see this). Then:
git clone [email protected]:stac-utils/stacrs.git
cd stacrs
See CONTRIBUTING.md for more information about contributing to this project.
By default, this package expects libduckdb to be present on your system. If you get this sort of error when building:
= note: ld: library 'duckdb' not found
to point to your libduckdb.
If you're using homebrew, that might look like this:
export DUCKDB_LIB_DIR=/opt/homebrew/lib
We used to use the bundled feature of DuckDB, but it was making our build times intolerably slow.
stacrs is dual-licensed under both the MIT license and the Apache license (Version 2.0). See LICENSE-APACHE and LICENSE-MIT for details.