This project is a boilerplate for Nestjs projects.
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Make sure you have the following installed:
- Node (at least the latest LTS)
- Yarn (at least 1.0)
- Docker and Docker Compose (if you want to use the docker-compose file)
Make sure you have the .env file in the root of the project.
- You can ask one from the fellow developers or create your own using the .env.example as a reference.
Does not depend on any other services from SB to work.
Start MYSQL and RabbitMQ services before running the server.
# from the project root
docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml up -d database rabbitmq
# from the project root
# To run the migrations
make migrate
# To revert the migrations
make revert-migration
# To generate a new migration
make generate-migration name="migration-name"
# from the project root
yarn test
# from the project root
yarn start:dev