Brutus is an N-body code with arbitrary precision and accuracy. Written as part of the PhD thesis of Tjarda Boekholt [email protected] under the supervision of Simon Portegies Zwart [email protected] at Leiden Observatory of Leiden University.
Dependencies are the arbitrary-precision libraries: gmp : mpfr : mpfr c++ : mpreal :
To build the code:
- Adjust the paths in makefile
- Type make
mpreal: best is to install it in a separate directory, and include the link to the makefile MPRLIB = $(LOCAL)/src/mpreal The other packages can be installed through conda.
To Run the code:
- specify initial condition in the get_initial_condition() function in main.cpp
- in terminal run: ./main.exe file_out t_begin t_end dt e Lw file_out = input initial snapshot t_begin = begin time t_end = end time dt = snapshot time interval e = bulirsch-stoer tolerance parameter (1e-6, 1e-8, 1e-10, ...) Lw = number of digits ( 56, 64, 72, ...) output snapshot is stdout and stderr
Example: %> ./brutus 1.e-2 64 0 1 0.25 16 testcase.txt > data.out
Produces test.out with the snapshots, and the log data to stderr