scaleio-repos is a project to help the creation and management of a local repository of ScaleIO related packages of ease of deployment. The current focus is on YUM (RHEL/CentOS/Fedora), more will be added in the future.
Since most deployment of ScaleIO are done at scale, managing a local repository of ScaleIO within your organization makes a lot of sense. It gives you the flexibility to help the automation of installations and updates using more standard tools set like Ansible, Puppet and others.
Currently supported platform:
$ git clone
$ cd scaleio-repos
$ ./ [-s <src>] [-d <dest>] [-u <base_url>]
<src> is the complete download ei:
<dest> is the root of your ScaleIO repo ei: /var/lib/lighttpd/repos/scaleio
<url> is the base url for your repo, ei: http://localhost/repos/scaleio
$ ./ -d /var/lib/lighttpd/repos/scaleio -s -u http://localhost/repos/scaleio
Example of usage can be seen here on
Currently we only support running this in a CentOS host as we rely on the following rpm's createrepo, dpkg, dpkg-devel, gnupg2, perl-TimeDate, but we would like to support also the following:
- Repo server
- Debian
- Ubuntu
- Generation of "release" rpm's like epel
- Clean up the code
- break out into multiple files
Create a fork of the project into your own reposity. Make all your necessary changes and create a pull request with a description on what was added or removed and details explaining the changes in lines of code. If approved, project owners will merge it.
scaleio-repos is freely distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.
Please file bugs and issues on the Github issues page for this project. This is to help keep track and document everything related to this repo. For general discussions and further support you can join the {code} Community slack channel. The code and documentation are released with no warranties or SLAs and are intended to be supported through a community driven process.