A Password Manager project created using the MERN stack. You can login and save your passwords. Passwords are saved in the database after AES encryption ⛓️ . So, your passwords are safe here. 🦺
Go to the folder in which you want to clone the project and run the following commandTo setup the server in your system run the following commands
cd server
npm install
After installing all the server dependencies run the server using the following command
npm run dev:start
Now, the server will be up and running
**Note :- You have to configure all the environment variables by creating a config.env file in root server folder.
Structure of the config.env file
SECRET_KEY=<your secret key for hashing passwords>
CRYPTO_SECRET_KEY=<your secret key for encrypting passwords while saving in db>
Go to the client folder and run
npm install
All the dependencies should be installed. Now, you just have to start the React server by following command
npm start