A yt-dlp extractor plugin for Apple Developer videos.
This was primarily written as a convenience for downloading WWDC sessions. It tries to sanely handle variables in the routes associated with streaming the sessions which allows for many videos outside of WWDC, however it isn't written to be exhaustive of all the possible ways one might be able to download videos from the Apple Developer website.
Playlists for all WWDC sessions and specific topics are generated by scraping the HTML for video URL hrefs.
Requires yt-dlp 2023.03.04
or above.
You can install this package with pip:
python3 -m pip install -U https://github.com/quaqsim/yt-dlp-AppleDeveloper/archive/main.zip
Alternatively, the repository can be cloned to your user's plugin directory:
mkdir -p ~/.yt-dlp/plugins
git clone https://github.com/quaqsim/yt-dlp-AppleDeveloper.git ~/.yt-dlp/plugins/appledeveloper
See installing yt-dlp plugins for the other methods this plugin package can be installed.
- Handle unknown audio better, if possible. Try to detect or infer audio codec and other details rather than treat as aac.