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Updatelee's repository based off of V4L media_tree and powARman's saa716x work.

This will set you up with Linux 5.15.74

# Pre-built kernel debs (tarball) for Debian based OS's can be found here:
# md5sum:

3dd6dd07bb27d099ed19082181c63b78  kernel-5.15.74-debs.tar

# These debs are compressed with zstd so install "zstd" before installing the debs
# Download and unpack the zip archive and install each .deb with:
# sudo dpkg -i each-actual-filename.deb

# If you desire to compile your own kernel
# install any dependancies that you might need:

	sudo apt-get install git build-essential ncurses-dev \
	libproc-processtable-perl fakeroot libelf-dev libssl-dev \
	bison flex pigz pkg-config bc zstd

# Option 1: clone the full repository (@1.9Gb)

	git clone
	cd v4l-updatelee

# Option 2: Or if you don't need the entire repo history
# to conserve bandwidth downloading, please use

	git clone --depth 1
	cd v4l-updatelee

# Then compile, -j[number of cores in your processor], this will take around
# 20 min on my computer, so depending on your system it may take even longer.

	make x86_64-udl_defconfig
	make menuconfig		# Select any additional media drivers you want compiled
	make -j8 deb-pkg	# Adjust -j to number of cpu cores you may have

# Install the kernel

	sudo dpkg -i ../linux-*deb

# Install the firmware and reboot into new kernel

    cd drivers/base/firmware_loader/builtin	
	sudo make install
	sudo reboot

# Good to go, in the future if you need to upgrade 
# pull the latest changes, build new deb packages,
# install them and reboot

	cd v4l-updatelee
	rm ../linux-*
	make distclean
	git pull
	make x86_64-udl_defconfig
	make menuconfig		# Select any additional media drivers you want compiled
	make -j8 deb-pkg	# Adjust -j to number of cpu cores you may have
	sudo dpkg -i ../linux-*deb
	sudo reboot

# If you have crazy slow boot times it might be related to urandom

	sudo apt-get install haveged
	sudo systemctl enable haveged 
	sudo systemctl start haveged

# Tested with:

Prof 7301, 7500, 8000
TBS 6925, 5922, 5925, 5930. 5980, 6908, 6903, 5520SE
Skystar 2 eXpress HD
Omicom S2 PCI
Genpix Skywalker-1
Hauppauge 950Q, 955Q, Aero-m, Wintv DualHD
Mygica (Mohu) A681

# Others are reported working as well, but havent personally tested them

# If you have further questions you can ask on Rick Caylor's forum
# under the "Computer and USB Satellite Receivers and Recording"
# Catagory