Implemented file range support for CachedFileResult
Sitemap should only include products visible for current customer, which is the search engine system customer
Fixed uniform spelling for query string parameter "returnUrl"
Fixed search engine issue (itemtype, "offers" required) on product detail page
Summernote: solved html formatting issues thanks to "Beautifier" library
Media middleware: simplified ETag generation & handling
Mega Menu: Product rotator wasn't working
Tiny Image: Fixed periodic IOException
URL Rewriter: performance optimization
Fixed more menu for main catalog navigation
Fixed DateTime nor expressed as UTC in AzureFile & LocalFile
Content Slider: Fixed slide display bug on surface and other touch devices
Content Slider: Randomize slides > Value was stored in database but toggle button has always shown "off"
Page Builder: Fixed slider bug for list blocks (brand, category, products) in Firefox
Page Builder: fixes blurry background images in IOS
Output Cache: action widgets didn't render when they were part of a widgetzone within a donut child action
Multishop resolution failed under certain circumstances
Fixed menu issue "collection was modified, enumeration operation may not execute"
Fixed "The parameters dictionary contains a null entry for parameter 'catId' of non-nullable type 'System.Int32'"
Fixed discount coupon sometimes wasn't applied
Fixed "Value cannot be null. Parameter name: key" in order list
Fixed topic link resolving by system name in multistore environment
Async event consumers were not guaranteed to be awaited
You can’t perform that action at this time.