Releases: smartcontractkit/ccip
Releases · smartcontractkit/ccip
What's Changed
- Chainlink Node 2.13
- Fix slice bounds out of range error in performBatchCall in #1145
- Returning messageVisibilityInterval always from commit roots cache in #1155
- Chain selectors update in #1266
- Commit NewReportingPlugin retries on error in #1160 #1270
- Batch gas price reporting - for a given chain, 1 CommitStore will receive gas price and token price reporting aggregated from all lanes going to that chain in #1071 #1278
- Aggregate cross-source token and gas price heartbeat updates into batches in #1282
Full Changelog: v2.12.0-ccip1.4.19-release...v2.13.0-ccip1.4.21-release
What's Changed
- 2.12 cherry fixes by @mateusz-sekara in #1166
- Cherry Pick Release Hotfix by @KodeyThomas in #1265
Full Changelog: v2.12.0-ccip1.4.18-release...v2.12.0-ccip1.4.20-beta.0
What's Changed
Commit plugin initialization retries by @rstout in #1166 cherry-picked by @mateusz-sekara and @dimkouv
"Disabling" commit roots cache in exec plugin by @mateusz-sekara in 053e93a
Full Changelog: v2.12.0-ccip1.4.18-release...v2.12.0-ccip1.4.19-beta.0
What's Changed
- Chainlink Node 2.12
- Fix selectReportsToFillBatch by @jarnaud in #829
- On/Off Ramps use per lane cursing by @justinkaseman in #801
- feat: ooo exec by @makramkd in #729
- Using IsCursed(chainSelector) for OnRamp 1.5 when checking if source is cursed by @mateusz-sekara in #849
- Temporarily remove PriceReportingDisabled flag in plugin by @matYang in #929
- Update token reporting threshold by @matYang in #970
- Log the reported commitStore sequence number by @dimkouv in #975
- Add GetAllGasPriceUpdatesCreatedAfter to PriceRegistry by @matYang in #977
- Use decimals to normalize aggregator prices by @jarnaud in #853
- Do not reject entire observations based on gas or token price by @matYang in #930
- pass token into lockOrBurn by @RensR in #913
- Public HashLeaf Function by @winder in #739
- remove DestinationPool from OffRampTokens by @RensR in #914
- Added configs toml by @stackman27 in #943
- Cache RMN Contract in OnRamp by @asoliman92 in #945
- Avoid marshal/unmarshall of CommitObservation by @jarnaud in #940
- Add ABI caching functionality to
[CCIP-2388] by @asoliman92 in #966 - Remove costly logs by @jarnaud in #986
- Exec NewReportingPlugin must not error by @rstout in #894
- zkSync L1 gas price calculation by @simsonraj #1050
Full Changelog: v2.11.0-ccip1.4.15-release...v2.12.0-ccip1.4.16-beta.0
Full Changelog: v2.10.0-ccip1.4.11-release...v2.11.0-ccip1.4.15-release
- Chainlink Node 2.11 #779
- Add MetricsRegisterer to CCIP OracleArgs after bumping libocr #771
- Fixing LogPoller read queries by proper ordering in some of the read queries #783
- Updating chain-selectors to 1.0.15 #794
- Improved fetching of Commit Reports from the database #726
- Detailed logging for Execution Plugin #699
- Attestation API self-rate limitting #666
- Ignore price reporting for tokens that are not defined in the JobSpec, this makes JobSpec the source of truth for tokens that require price reporting, paving the way for removal of static price reporting #686
- Exposing prom metric with latest finalized block smartcontractkit/chainlink#12339
- Fixing log line in CCIP commit plugin observePriceUpdates missing key/value #835
- Cherry-picking CPU fixes for Core v2.11 finalized blocker header tracking #884
- Hide finalized blocker header tracking behind feature flag: #946
- Do not reject entire observations based on token price: #930
- Exec NewReportingPlugin must not error: #894
- Bump chain-selectors to 1.0.16: #982
- Bump chain selectors #878
Full Changelog: v2.10.0-ccip1.4.9-release...v2.10.0-ccip1.4.11-release
- Chainlink node upgraded to 2.10
- MaxGasPrice reads from TOML config; allow disabling price reporting on a lane #591
- offchain - address backwards compatibility without json overrides #603
- Refreshing RMN state in the background #596
- Adding retention to filters used by LogPoller #530
- CCIP transactions by dest chain, not by lane #619
- Multi usdc transfers per msg #633
- Hardening LogPoller replay #649
- Fetching nonces in batch manner from chain #646
- Remove commit plugin's inflight cache #662
- Parallel batched rpc calls #663
- Do not read res if http errors #676
- Log offramp in commit plugin init #668
- Less restrictive approach to the replay, booting Oracle even if the replay fails #747
Full Changelog:
Support getting OP stack encoded gas price after Ecotone upgrade