2156 commits
to ccip-develop
since this release
Full Changelog: v2.10.0-ccip1.4.9-release...v2.10.0-ccip1.4.11-release
- Chainlink node upgraded to 2.10 https://github.com/smartcontractkit/chainlink/releases/tag/v2.10.0
- MaxGasPrice reads from TOML config; allow disabling price reporting on a lane #591
- offchain - address backwards compatibility without json overrides #603
- Refreshing RMN state in the background #596
- Adding retention to filters used by LogPoller #530
- CCIP transactions by dest chain, not by lane #619
- Multi usdc transfers per msg #633
- Hardening LogPoller replay #649
- Fetching nonces in batch manner from chain #646
- Remove commit plugin's inflight cache #662
- Parallel batched rpc calls #663
- Do not read res if http errors #676
- Log offramp in commit plugin init #668
- Less restrictive approach to the replay, booting Oracle even if the replay fails #747