We’ll dissect Azure Container Apps best practices for infrastructure as code, refine your development process, and unravel the complexities of networking architecture. Get hands-on with advanced troubleshooting and debugging techniques that only the pros know. This is your chance to elevate your ACA game and connect directly with the masterminds behind the platform.
Intro (5 min)
Markitecture Overview (~10 min)
- Setup and creation
- How does ACA map to AKS
- Networking
General Problem Areas: (15-20 min)
- Identity Issues (chicken & egg issue around registry pull)
- Follow-up Bicep deploy is impossible due to C&E MI issue
- Fix: Switch to user-assigned identity or switch to env-level system-assigned
- Health Probes (settings, best defaults, what does it look like when they get misconfigured)
- Error: App takes too long to start listening and hence never launches
- Fix: Many, fix the probe
- Scaling (CPU/Memory custom scalers, MI + scaling)
- Error: App scales on SB and misconfigure a few thing (identity)
- Networking (basics (BYO Vnet vs. managed), PE, dispel myths)
- Error: Port blocking on custom Vnet port 80 ?
- Setup PE + App and then manually finish by hooking AFD to it by following: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/container-apps/how-to-integrate-with-azure-front-door
Hands On Lab (25-30min)
Next Steps:
- Figure out specific scenarios in each problem section
- Get engineering to participate