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Update ChainOhmT for a new chaincoeffs_finiteT function
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tfmlaX committed Apr 15, 2024
1 parent 36423e5 commit ce00568
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Showing 4 changed files with 149 additions and 35 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions ChainOhmT/mcdis2.jl
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Expand Up @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ MCDIS Multiple-component discretization procedure.
in multi-component form.

function mcdis(N,eps0,quad::Function,Nmax)
function mcdis(N,eps0,quad::Function,Nmax,idelta,mc,AB,wf,mp,irout)

suc = true
f = "Ncap exceeds Nmax in mcdis with irout = "
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ function mcdis(N,eps0,quad::Function,Nmax)
xwm = Array{Float64}(undef, mc*Ncap, 2)
for i=1:mc
im1tn = (i-1)*Ncap
xw = quad(Ncap,i,uv)
xw = quad(Ncap,i,uv,mc,AB,wf)
xwm[im1tn+1:im1tn+Ncap,:] = xw

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32 changes: 16 additions & 16 deletions ChainOhmT/quadohmT.jl
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@@ -1,73 +1,73 @@
function quadfinT(N,i,uv)
function quadfinT(N,i,uv,mc,AB,wf)

if (i>1 && i<mc)
xw = trr(uv,i)
xw = trr(uv,i,AB,wf)
return xw

if mc==1
if (AB[i,1]!=-Inf)&&(AB[i,2]!=Inf)
xw = trr(uv,i)
xw = trr(uv,i,AB,wf)
return xw
elseif AB[i,1]!=-Inf
xw = rtr(uv,i)
xw = rtr(uv,i,AB,wf)
return xw
elseif AB[i,2]!=Inf
xw = ltr(uv,i)
xw = ltr(uv,i,AB,wf)
return xw
xw = str(uv,i)
xw = str(uv,i,wf)
return xw
if ((i==1 && AB[i,1]!=-Inf)||(i==mc && AB[i,2]!=Inf))
xw = trr(uv,i)
xw = trr(uv,i,AB,wf)
return xw
elseif i==1
xw = ltr(uv,i)
xw = ltr(uv,i,AB,wf)
return xw

xw = rtr(uv,mc)
xw = rtr(uv,mc,AB,wf)
return xw

function trr(t,i)
function trr(t,i,AB,wf)
s = Array{Float64}(undef, size(t))
s[:,1] = ((AB[i,2]-AB[i,1])*t[:,1] .+ AB[i,2] .+ AB[i,1])./2
s[:,2] = (AB[i,2]-AB[i,1]).*t[:,2].*wf(s[:,1],i)./2
return s

function str(t,i)
function str(t,i,wf)
s = Array{Float64}(undef, size(t))
s[:,1] = t[:,1]./(1-t[:,1].^2)
s[:,2] = t[:,2].*wf(s[:,1],i).*(1+t[:,1].^2)./((1-t[:,1].^2).^2)
return s

function rtr(t,i)
function rtr(t,i,AB,wf)
s = Array{Float64}(undef, size(t))
s[:,1] = AB[i,1] .+ (t[:,1] .+ 1)./(-t[:,1] .+ 1)
s[:,2] = 2*t[:,2].*wf(s[:,1],i)./((1 .-t[:,1]).^2)
return s

function ltr(t,i)
function ltr(t,i,AB,wf)
s = Array{Float64}(undef, size(t))
s[:,1] = -(-t[:,1].+1)./(t[:,1].+1) .+ AB[i,2]
s[:,2] = 2*t[:,2].*wf(s[:,1],i)./((t[:,1] .+ 1).^2)
return s

function wf(x,i)
function ohmicspectraldensity_finiteT(x,i,α,s,ωc,β)
if i==1
y = 0
elseif i==2
y = -( 2*a*abs.(x).^s ./ wc^(s-1)) .* ((coth.((beta/2).*x) .+ 1)./2) #.* exp(-abs(x)/wc)
y = -2.*( α*abs.(x).^s ./ ωc^(s-1)) .* (coth.((β/2).*x) .+ 1)./2 #.* exp(-abs(x)/wc)
elseif i==3
y = ( 2*a*abs.(x).^s ./ wc^(s-1)) .* ((coth.((beta/2).*x) .+ 1)./2) #.* exp(-abs(x)/wc)
y = 2.*( α*abs.(x).^s ./ ωc^(s-1)) .* (coth.((β/2).*x) .+ 1)./2 #.* exp(-abs(x)/wc)
elseif i==4
y = 0
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34 changes: 17 additions & 17 deletions ChainOhmT/stieltjes.jl
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coefficients in the second column, of the nx2 array ab.
function stieltjes(N,xw) #return ab
tiny = 10*realmin
huge = .1*realmax
#tiny = 10*realmin
#huge = .1*realmax

## Remove data with zero weights ##

Expand All @@ -19,15 +19,16 @@ function stieltjes(N,xw) #return ab
xw = xw[I,:]
index = findfirst(x->x!=0, xw[:,2]) #index = min(find(xw(:,2)~=0))
xw = xw[index:length(xw[:,2]),:]
Ibis = sortper(xw[:,1]) #xw = sortrows(xw,1)
Ibis = sortperm(xw[:,1]) #xw = sortrows(xw,1)
xw = xw[Ibis,:]
Ncap = size(xw,1)

if (N<=0||N>Ncap)
error("N in sti out of range")

s0 = ones(1,Ncap)*xw[:,2]
s0 = (ones(1,Ncap)*xw[:,2])[1]
ab = zeros(N, 2)
ab[1,1] = transpose(xw[:,1])*xw[:,2]/s0
ab[1,2] = s0
if N==1
Expand All @@ -50,23 +51,22 @@ function stieltjes(N,xw) #return ab
# % end
# %

c = 1e240
p2 = c*p2
s0 = c^2*s0
#c = 1e240
#p2 = c*p2
#s0 = c^2*s0

for k=1:N-1
p0 = p1
p1 = p2
p2 = (xw[:,1] - ab[k,1]).*p1 - ab[k,2]*p0
s1 = transpose(xw[:,2])*(p2.^2)
s2 = transpose(xw[:,1])*(xw[:,2].*(p2.^2))

if (max(abs(p2))>huge)||(abs(s2)>huge)
error("impending overflow in stieltjes for k=$(k)")
if abs(s1)<tiny
error("impending underflow in stieltjes for k=$(k)")
p2 = (xw[:,1] .- ab[k,1]).*p1 .- ab[k,2].*p0
s1 = (transpose(xw[:,2])*(p2.^2))[1]
s2 = (transpose(xw[:,1])*(xw[:,2].*(p2.^2)))[1]
# if (max(abs(p2))>huge)||(abs(s2)>huge)
# error("impending overflow in stieltjes for k=$(k)")
# end
# if abs(s1)<tiny
# error("impending underflow in stieltjes for k=$(k)")
# end
ab[k+1,1] = s2/s1
ab[k+1,2] = s1/s0
s0 = s1
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114 changes: 114 additions & 0 deletions src/finitetemperature.jl
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using HDF5

chaincoeffs_finiteT(nummodes, β, ohmic=true; α, s, J, ωc=1, mc=4, mp=0, AB=nothing, iq=1, idelta=2, procedure=:Lanczos, Mmax=5000, save=true)
Generate chain coefficients ``[[ϵ_0,ϵ_1,...],[t_0,t_1,...],c_0]`` for a harmonic bath at the inverse temperature β.
By default a Ohmic spectral density ``J(ω) = 2αω_c (\\frac{ω}{ω_c})^s θ(ω-ω_c)`` is considered.
Users can provide their own spectral density.
# Arguments
* nummodes: Number of bath modes
* β: inverse temperature
* ohmic: true if the spectral density is Ohmic, false if the user provides its own spectral density
* α: Kondo parameter of the Ohmic spectral density
* s: ohmicity
* J: user-provided spectral density. Should be a function f(x,i) where x is the frequency and i ∈ {1,...,mc} labels the intervals on which the SD is defined
* ωc: the maximum frequency of the Ohmic spectral density
* mc: the number of component intervals
* mp: the number of points in the discrete part of the measure (mp=0 if there is none)
* iq: a parameter to be set equal to 1, if the user provides his or her own quadrature routine, and different from 1 otherwise
* idelta: a parameter whose default value is 1, but is preferably set equal to 2, if iq=1 and the user provides Gauss-type quadrature routines
* procedure: choice between the Stieltjes and the Lanczos procedure
* AB: component intervals
* Mmax: maximum number of integration points
* save: if true the coefficients are saved
function chaincoeffs_finiteT(nummodes, β, ohmic=true; α=1, s=1, J=nothing, ωc=1, mc=4, mp=0, AB=nothing, iq=1, idelta=2, procedure=:Lanczos, Mmax=5000, save=true)

N = nummodes #Number of bath modes

if AB==nothing
if mc==4
AB = [[-Inf -ωc];[-ωc 0];[0 ωc];[ωc Inf]]
throw(ArgumentError("An interval AB with mc = $mc components should have been provided."))
elseif length(AB) != mc
throw(ArgumentError("AB has a different number of intervals than mc = $mc."))

if ohmic==true
wf(x,i) = ohmicspectraldensity_finiteT(x,i,α,s,ωc,β)
elseif J==nothing
throw(ArgumentError("A spectral density should have been provided."))
wf = J

if procedure==:Lanczos # choice between the Stieltjes (irout = 1) and the Lanczos procedure (irout != 1)
irout = 2
elseif procedure==:Stieltjes
irout = 1
throw(ArgumentError("Procedure should be either Lanczos or Stieltjes"))


jacerg = zeros(N,2)

ab = 0.
ab, Mcap, kount, suc, uv = mcdis(N,eps0,quadfinT,Mmax,idelta,mc,AB,wf,mp,irout)
for m = 1:N-1
jacerg[m,1] = ab[m,1] #site energy e
jacerg[m,2] = sqrt(ab[m+1,2]) #hopping parameter t
jacerg[N,1] = ab[N,1]

eta = 0.
for i = 1:mc
xw = quadfinT(Mcap,i,uv,mc,AB,wf)
eta += sum(xw[:,2])
jacerg[N,2] = sqrt(eta) # system-chain coupling c

if save==true
# Write a HDF5 file
curdir = @__DIR__

if ohmic==true
# the "path" to the data inside of the h5 file is beta -> alpha -> s -> data (e, t or c)

# Write onsite energies
h5write("$curdir/ohmicT/chaincoeffs.h5", string("/N=",Nstr,"/α=",astr,"/s=",sstr,"/β=",bstr,"/e"), jacerg[1:N,1])
# Write hopping energies
h5write("$curdir/ohmicT/chaincoeffs.h5", string("/N=",Nstr,"/α=",astr,"/s=",sstr,"/β=",bstr,"/t"), jacerg[1:N-1,2])
# Write coupling coefficient
h5write("$curdir/ohmicT/chaincoeffs.h5", string("/N=",Nstr,"/α=",astr,"/s=",sstr,"/β=",bstr,"/c"), jacerg[N,2])

Nstr = string(N)
wstr = string(ωc)
bstr = string(β)
# the "path" to the data inside of the h5 file is N -> ωc -> beta -> data (e, t or c)

# Write onsite energies
h5write("$curdir/ohmicT/chaincoeffs.h5", string("/N=",Nstr,"/ωc=",wstr,"/β=",bstr,"/e"), jacerg[1:N,1])
# Write hopping energies
h5write("$curdir/ohmicT/chaincoeffs.h5", string("/N=",Nstr,"/ωc=",wstr,"/β=",bstr,"/t"), jacerg[1:N-1,2])
# Write coupling coefficient
h5write("$curdir/ohmicT/chaincoeffs.h5", string("/N=",Nstr,"/ωc=",wstr,"/β=",bstr,"/c"), jacerg[N,2])

return [jacerg[:,1], jacerg[1:N-1,2],jacerg[N,2]]

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