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Function for discrete spectral density
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BrieucLD committed Jan 29, 2025
1 parent b387d5a commit 6cda810
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Showing 2 changed files with 90 additions and 4 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/MPSDynamics.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ export MPOtoVector

export rhoreduced_2sites, rhoreduced_1site, protontransfermpo

export chaincoeffs_finiteT, chaincoeffs_fermionic, fermionicspectraldensity_finiteT
export chaincoeffs_finiteT, chaincoeffs_fermionic, fermionicspectraldensity_finiteT, chaincoeffs_finiteT_discrete


92 changes: 89 additions & 3 deletions src/finitetemperature.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ function chaincoeffs_finiteT(nummodes, β, ohmic=true; α=1, s=1, J=nothing, ωc
throw(ArgumentError("An interval AB with mc = $mc components should have been provided."))
elseif length(AB) != 2*mc
elseif size(AB)[1] != mc
throw(ArgumentError("AB has a different number of intervals than mc = $mc."))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ function chaincoeffs_finiteT(nummodes, β, ohmic=true; α=1, s=1, J=nothing, ωc

chaincoeffs_fermionic(nummodes, β, chain; ϵ=nothing, J=nothing, ωc=1, mc=4, mp=0, AB=nothing, iq=1, idelta=2, procedure=:Lanczos, Mmax=5000, save=true)
chaincoeffs_fermionic(nummodes, β, chain; ϵ=x, ωc=1, mc=4, mp=0, AB=nothing, iq=1, idelta=2, procedure=:Lanczos, Mmax=5000, save=true)
Generate chain coefficients ``[[ϵ_0,ϵ_1,...],[t_0,t_1,...],c_0]`` for a fermionic bath at the inverse temperature β.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ function chaincoeffs_fermionic(nummodes, β, chain; ϵ=nothing, J=nothing, ωc=1
throw(ArgumentError("An interval AB with mc = $mc components should have been provided."))
elseif length(AB) != 2* mc
elseif size(AB)[1] != mc
throw(ArgumentError("AB has a different number of intervals than mc = $mc."))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -208,3 +208,89 @@ function chaincoeffs_fermionic(nummodes, β, chain; ϵ=nothing, J=nothing, ωc=1

return [jacerg[:,1], jacerg[1:N-1,2],jacerg[N,2]]

chaincoeffs_finiteT_discrete(β, ωdiscrete, Jωdiscrete; procedure=:Lanczos, Mmax=5000, save=true)
Generate chain coefficients ``[[ϵ_0,ϵ_1,...],[t_0,t_1,...],c_0]`` for a discrete harmonic bath at the inverse temperature β.
# Arguments
* β: inverse temperature. For 0 Kelvin, put Inf as β
* ωdiscrete: discrete frequency corresponding to the Jωdiscrete values
* Jωdiscrete: amplitude of the spectral density at the corresponding ωdiscrete
* procedure: choice between the Stieltjes and the Lanczos procedure
* Mmax: maximum number of integration points
* save: if true the coefficients are saved
function chaincoeffs_finiteT_discrete(β, ωdiscrete, Jωdiscrete; procedure=:Lanczos, Mmax=5000, save=true)

ω = ωdiscrete
= Jωdiscrete
length(ω)== length(Jω) || throw(ErrorException("J(ω) has $(length(Jω)) values while there is $(length(ω)) frequecencies"))
N=length(ω) #Number of bath modes
if β != Inf
ω_pos = ω
Jω_pos =.* (coth.((β/2).*ω_pos[:]) .+ 1) ./2

ω_neg = -ω
Jω_neg = -.* (coth.((β/2).*ω_neg[:]) .+ 1) ./2

ω = vcat(ω_neg,ω_pos)
= vcat(Jω_neg,Jω_pos)
mp=length(ω) # the number of points in the discrete part of the measure

DM =Array{Float64}(undef,mp,2)
for i=1:mp
DM[i,1] = ω[i]
DM[i,2] = Jω[i]


jacerg = zeros(N,2)

ab = Array{Float64}(undef, N, 2)
ab[:,2] = zeros(N,1)

if procedure==:Lanczos # choice between the Stieltjes and the Lanczos procedure
ab = lanczos(N,DM)
elseif procedure==:Stieltjes
ab = stieltjes(N,DM)
throw(ArgumentError("Procedure should be either Lanczos or Stieltjes."))

for m = 1:N-1
jacerg[m,1] = ab[m,1] #site energy
jacerg[m,2] = sqrt(ab[m+1,2]) #hopping parameter
jacerg[N,1] = ab[N,1]

eta = sum(Jω)

jacerg[N,2] = sqrt(eta) #coupling coeficient

if save==true
# Write a HDF5 file
#curdir = @__DIR__
dir = @__DIR__
curdir = abspath(joinpath(dir, "../ChainOhmT"))

Nstr = string(N)
bstr = string(β)
# the "path" to the data inside of the h5 file is N -> ωc -> beta -> data (e, t or c)

# Write onsite energies
h5write("$curdir/discreteT/chaincoeffs.h5", string("/", Nstr, "/", bstr, "/e"), jacerg[1:N,1])
# Write opping energies
h5write("$curdir/discreteT/chaincoeffs.h5", string("/", Nstr, "/", bstr,"/t"), jacerg[1:N-1,2])
# Write coupling coefficient
h5write("$curdir/discreteT/chaincoeffs.h5", string("/", Nstr, "/", bstr,"/c"), jacerg[N,2])


return [jacerg[:,1], jacerg[1:N-1,2],jacerg[N,2]]

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