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BrieucLD committed Apr 10, 2024
1 parent dd88942 commit 13f0334
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Showing 2 changed files with 107 additions and 3 deletions.
98 changes: 98 additions & 0 deletions examples/sbm_laser_pulse.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
Example of a time-dependent Hamitloninan on a zero-temperature Spin-Boson Model with an hard cut-off Ohmic spectral density J(ω) = 2αω when ω < ωc and 0 otherwise
The dynamics is simulated using the T-TEDOPA method that maps the normal modes environment into a non-uniform tight-binding chain.
H = \\frac{ω_0}{2} σ_z + Δ σ_x + σ_x ϵ sin(ωdrive t) + c_0 σ_x(b_0^\\dagger + b_0) + \\sum_{i=0}^{N-1} t_i (b_{i+1}^\\dagger b_i +h.c.) + \\sum_{i=0}^{N-1} ϵ_i b_i^\\dagger b_i

using MPSDynamics, Plots, LaTeXStrings

import MPSDynamics: disp

# Physical parameters

d = 4 # number of Fock states of the chain modes

N = 60 # length of the chain

α = 0.005 # coupling strength

Δ = 0.0 # tunneling

ω0 = 0.8 # TLS gap

s = 1 # ohmicity

cpars = chaincoeffs_ohmic(N, α, s) # chain parameters, i.e. on-site energies ϵ_i, hopping energies t_i, and system-chain coupling c_0

Trabi = 30.0 # Rabi period of the drive

ϵ = 2*pi / Trabi # Intensity of the drive

ωdrive = ω0 # Frequency of the drive

Ndrive = 1 #Number of the site on which the drive is applied
# Simulation parameters

dt = 0.5 # time step

tfinal = 100.0 # simulation time

method = :TDVP1 # time-evolution method

D = [6] # MPS bond dimension

# MPO and initial state MPS

numsteps = length(collect(0:dt:tfinal))-1
timelist = [(i-1)*dt for i=1:numsteps+1]

Ht =*sx*sin(ωdrive*tstep) for tstep in timelist] # Time dependent Hamiltonian term MPO

H = spinbosonmpo(ω0, Δ, d, N, cpars) # MPO representation of the Hamiltonian

ψ = unitcol(2,2) # Initial low-z system state

A = productstatemps(physdims(H), state=[ψ, fill(unitcol(1,d), N)...]) # MPS representation of |ψ>|Vacuum>

# Definition of observables

ob1 = OneSiteObservable("sz", sz, 1)

ob2 = OneSiteObservable("chain mode occupation", numb(d), (2,N+1))

ob3 = TwoSiteObservable("SXdisp", sx, disp(d), [1], collect(2:N+1))

# Simulation

A, dat = runsim(dt, tfinal, A, H;
name = "Driving field on ohmic spin boson model",
method = method,
obs = [ob1],
convobs = [ob1],
params = @LogParams(N, d, α, Δ, ω0, s),
convparams = D,
timedep = true,
Ndrive = Ndrive,
Htime = Ht,
verbose = false,
save = true,
plot = true,

# Plots

plot(dat["data/times"], dat["data/sz"], label=["Dmax = $D"], xlabel=L"t",ylabel=L"\sigma_z", title="")
12 changes: 9 additions & 3 deletions src/run_1TDVP.jl
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@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
function run_1TDVP(dt, tmax, A, H, Dmax; obs=[], timed=false, reduceddensity=false, kwargs...)
function run_1TDVP(dt, tmax, A, H, Dmax; obs=[], timed=false, reduceddensity=false, timedep=false, kwargs...)
data = Dict{String,Any}()

numsteps = length(collect(0:dt:tmax))-1
Expand All @@ -23,13 +24,18 @@ function run_1TDVP(dt, tmax, A, H, Dmax; obs=[], timed=false, reduceddensity=fal
for tstep=1:numsteps
@printf("%i/%i, t = %.3f ", tstep, numsteps, times[tstep])
if timedep
Ndrive = kwargs[:Ndrive]
Htime = kwargs[:Htime]
H0[Ndrive][1,1,:,:] = H[Ndrive][1,1,:,:] + Htime[tstep][:,:]
if timed
val, t, bytes, gctime, memallocs = @timed tdvp1sweep!(dt, A0, H, F; kwargs...)
val, t, bytes, gctime, memallocs = @timed tdvp1sweep!(dt, A0, H0, F; kwargs...)
println("\t","ΔT = ", t)
A0, F = val
ttdvp[tstep] = t
A0, F = tdvp1sweep!(dt, A0, H, F; kwargs...)
A0, F = tdvp1sweep!(dt, A0, H0, F; kwargs...)
exp = measure(A0, obs; t=times[tstep])
for (i, ob) in enumerate(obs)
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