I'm a software engineer who is passionate about using JavaScript, newer technologies, and interesting architectures on frontend. I know I have many things to learn, but this is so exciting journey.
They was created in my free time, for my own fun
Name | Description | Video |
Virtual OS | OS simulator, startmenu, panel/window system (grouped, minimizable, dragable, focusable etc), data on frontend in JSON form etc | |
SPA | My first SPA, without any library, with context menu, upload chunks, messaging | |
Perfect World - Item Builder | Initially I used PHP, later rewrote it into NodeJS, item building based on some data structure and communication with game server via socket |
I started officially in 2018 as a web developer, but I have a longer history :)
- 2018 - 2019: cakePHP, gitLab, jQuery, bootstrap, MySQL
- 2019 - now: ReactJS, TypeScript, AngularJS, Material UI, MobX, SignalR, C#, NPM, Jira, Bitbucket
Let's go back a bit in the time on my timeline because this was a long journey, starting from the most recent
- Electron '22
- Tech: Docker, NodeJS (Express+Typescript), Electron (can build standalone app), React, TypeScript, MobX, JSS/styled component, CacheStorage (storing data in cache like JSON blob), ServiceFactory, DependencyInjection (inversify+reflect metadata), Webpack
- Gyozelem v2 '21
- Tech: StencilJS, TypeScript, .net Code, EF Core, SignalR, Virtual File System
- PetraJS '20
- Tech: Webpack, Babel (for resolving the custom JSX rendering), VDOM, Appache2 for frontend routing, class validator
- Demo: YouTube video
- Description: My own mini virtual dom render library with JSX fucntional components and with hooks (ReactJS like elements and hooks without ReactJS), it was created to understand more the Virtual DOM based libs
- Twitter Tweets - '19
- Tech: Docker, Ubuntu, NodeJS (Express), CSS variables for page theme, JS (ES7)
- Demo: YouTube video
- Hapi + Mongo - '19
- Tech: Docker, NodeJS (Hapi) - server side rendering, MongoDB
- Demo: YouTube video
- React + Redux - '19
- Tech: React, Redux
- Pure SPA '19
- Tech: pure JS (audioplayer, context menu, async/await, file upload with chunks, calendar, custom js router), CSS3, HTML, PHP with appache url rewrite, MySQL
- Demo: Online website
- Data ordering '19
- Tech: CakePHP 3.7, MySQL, jQuery
- Demo: YouTube video
- GraphQL '19
- Tech: Docker, NodeJS, Mongoose, JWT, bcrypt, GraphQL, ReactJS
- Kanban '19
- Tech: ReactJS, TypeScript, Material UI, NodeJS (Express), Webpack-cli
- Demo: YouTube video
- SimpleShop with Laravel' 18
- Tech: Laravel 5.6 (with migration), MySQL, JS, CSS
- Demo: YouTube video
Tech stack: *JS (ES5/ES6, Module, Audio, FileReader, URL, Virtual FileSystem/OS,SVG, Area, DOM, sprite images), CSS3 (custom scroll design), HTML5 (canvas), PHP 7 (SQL query building), Appache (.htaccess - url rewrite), NodeJs (web socket, byte packing and sending) *
- Map (area) vs Svg (polygon) - 2019
- Ray Casting - 2019
- File Reader Test - 2018
- Frogger with Canvas - 2018
- VirtualOS - 2018
- Audioplayer - 2018
- Notify - 2018
- Event Calendar - 2018
- Custom Scrollbar - 2018
- Infinite Scroll - 2018
- Windows - 2017
- Blog without Backend & DB - 2017
- Generic Table with ES6 Module
- Simple Query Builder - PHP
- Preview Image Generator
- Vanilla JS router wtih htacces
- NodeJS Write/Read byte packets
- Chat with NodeJS + WS
Tech stack: QBasic, Visual Basic, Wap, JASS, PHP (data packing/socket), JS, CSS, HTML, MySQL, ubuntu
- '98 and early '00: I started to play with QBasic
- I did snake, asteroid hunter, ping pong like mini-games, creating blur/grayscale effects with pixel color calculation and some other thing, but it was just for fun, only for learning
- Early '00: Another fun time was the HexView period when we edited the save game files with HexEditor
- this was not part of the development still was a very fun time when edited the Settler2, NFS5 and other saved files
- '04: MS-DOS started to be faded away and windows 95/98 (SE) and later XP became more used OS so i jumped into Visual Basic 6.0
- I enjoyed, creating interfaces after MS-DOS, it was something new, however, I did not go too deep into this, I usually created some file management apps, for example, the logger manager for MU Online game server
- '06: Age of Wap, XHTML and Netscape - Web builder
- First time when I jumped into web development, still was no CSS in use and and Javascript was less known but the Wap beign a well used technology here, for mobile chats, for listing files on host, basic blogs and presenation sites etc sadly most of host what i used from that period already gone
- '12: Warcraft 3 - TFT period, Blizzard's World Editor was allowed to use a language (called JASS) for building more interactive games. JASS was a revolutionary improvement in map generation, based on events/trigger/action/functions, the first time when I met with the memory leaks, network desyncronization issue, overall it was a nice high level language, with events (keyboard, mouse etc), functions, variables, timers, hashtables, and so on and it made it available to convert the strategy to any other kind of game like MMORPG/RPG/TD/MOBA - example my RPG map engine with his own item/inventory system.
- '12: First web page with PHP, HTML, CSS and JS, it was a presentation site
- '16: Perfect World Server + Item Builder:
- First time when i met with ubuntu (was love in first sight) and installed a game into virtualBox ubuntu server, used MySQL, apache, tomcat, first time when i comunicated with server via PHP and socket, it was a fun project but better if I show the video about
- Where I started the PHP pwAdmin and video for it, later I shared the code on GitHub (well, I was a noob, it was poorly coded, but I learned a lot from it)
- First time when i met with ubuntu (was love in first sight) and installed a game into virtualBox ubuntu server, used MySQL, apache, tomcat, first time when i comunicated with server via PHP and socket, it was a fun project but better if I show the video about
Many thanks for my πͺ and to God, for having a chance to learn :)