Git Repository:
- Fetches events from the API NumbersAPI and serves them as questions for the game.
- You can play directly with a freind on the same computer
- Saves your game if you don't have time to finish it but want to pick it up later
- Play against each other on seperate computers
The app is built with react and redux. The store is provided with react-redux. The app also uses react-router-dom for routing,rc-slide,react-beautiful-dnd,react-bootstrap . It is written using TypeScript. Data is stored using firebase's firestore.
The app files are split into five folders described below.
For any assets used on the page such as images
Groups all the views used in this project
Groups all the presenters for the views
- model Moel contains the core model for the gam
- Redux Contains all the files used for using Redux
- API Contains files for fetchin from the API
- Firebase Contains for adding and fetching data fromn the realtime database in Firebase
Contains all the styling files